
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 94-105.

• 心理健康研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘文1, 林爽1, 林丹华2, 夏凌翔3   

  1. 1.辽宁师范大学 心理学院,大连 116029;
    2.北京师范大学 发展心理研究院,北京 100875;
    3.西南大学 心理学部,重庆 400715
  • 出版日期:2021-07-25 发布日期:2021-09-30
  • 作者简介:夏凌翔(通讯作者,E-mail:xialx@swu.edu.cn),西南大学心理学部教授。
  • 基金资助:

Antisocial Behaviors of Left-behind Children:Based on the Perspective of Assessment and Prevention

LIU Wen1, LIN Shuang1, LIN Danhua2, XIA Lingxiang3   

  1. 1. College of Psychology, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029;
    2. Institute of Developmental Psychology, BNU, Beijing 100875;
    3. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing, 400715, China
  • Online:2021-07-25 Published:2021-09-30

摘要: 留守儿童的反社会行为是指留守儿童表现出的违反社会公认行为规范、损害社会和公众共同利益的行为。与一般儿童相比,留守儿童的成长环境相对不利,更容易受到外界的不良影响或诱惑而表现出反社会行为并产生不良后果。科学评估与有效预防留守儿童的反社会行为有助于推进平安中国与健康中国的建设,因此日益受到政府和研究者的关注。在系统梳理留守儿童反社会行为的概念、风险因素和保护因素的基础上,通过概述留守儿童反社会行为的普遍性指标和特异性指标、不同严重程度反社会行为的风险评估框架以及不同等级的反社会行为预防体系,对留守儿童反社会行为的评估和预防问题予以探讨。未来应通过多种形式完善指标体系,推进风险评估和科学干预,并深化社会治理创新下的预防工作,以实现对留守儿童各级和各类反社会行为的精准应对。

关键词: 留守儿童, 反社会行为, 预防, 评估

Abstract: The antisocial behaviors of left-behind children(LBC)refers to the behaviors in LBC that show violation of the recognized norms and damage the common interests of the society and the public.Compared with the general children,the growth environment of LBC is relatively unfavorable.Due to the negative influence or temptation from external environment,the LBC are more likely to exhibit antisocial behaviors and lead to adverse consequences.Scientific evaluation and effective prevention of LBC's antisocial behaviors,which have attracted increasing attention from the government and researchers are conductive to the construction of a safe and healthy China.In consequence,based on the systematical sorting out and integrating the definition,risk factors,protective factors,the discussion on the assessment and prevention of LBC's antisocial behaviors will be carried out from the universality and specificity assessment index,different severity of risk assessment framework,different levels of prevention system and other aspects.For the future research,it is necessary to perfect indicator system,promote risk assessment and scientific intervention,and deepen prevention work under social governance to achieve accurate responses to the antisocial behaviors of LBC at all levels and in all categories.

Key words: left-behind children, antisocial behaviors, prevention, assessment
