
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 52-62.

• 文学新探 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 安徽大学 文学院,合肥 230039
  • 出版日期:2021-03-25 发布日期:2021-05-12
  • 作者简介:吴怀东,文学博士,安徽大学文学院教授。

On the Comical Style of Drunkard Pavilion Records with Reference to the Joy of OUYANG Xiu as the Prefecture Chief

WU Huaidong   

  1. School of Liberal Arts, Anhui University, Hefei 230039,China
  • Online:2021-03-25 Published:2021-05-12

摘要: 从北宋庆历六年问世至今,《醉翁亭记》所享有的崇高声誉掩盖了其接受史中的异议和批评,文风“滑稽”论便是尚未受到关注和深入阐释的重要观点。此论实包含多重深刻内涵:从文体思想看,揭示了此文“以文为赋”、“以文为记”的结撰手法,且反映了“尊体”与“破体”两种文体理念的冲突。从主体感受看,欧阳修有意突破“古文”与“时文”的文体界限,融合骈、散,实继承韩愈“以文为戏”传统,寓庄于谐,自我调侃,而刻意突出“乐”之体味,调和人生苦境,“苦中强乐”,表现了政治上的挫折感以及超越人生苦难的努力。文体界限的突破和苦乐感受的交融,根源于欧阳修在北宋党争中的沉痛体验,亦契合中国古代士大夫的普遍遭遇。鲜活的体貌特征和深沉的情感张力,赋予此文文学经典的性质。

关键词: 《醉翁亭记》, 欧阳修, 古文, 破体, 滑稽, 以文为戏, 太守之乐

Abstract: Since Drunkard Pavilion Records was published in Qingli six years (1046 AD) of the Northern Song Dynasty, the lofty reputation of the prose has overweighed dissents and criticisms in the history of acceptance. Its comical style, which contains many profound connotations, is an important point that has not been paid much attention to and explained thoroughly. From a stylistic perspective, this view reveals the technique of the prose, which “takes the prose as Fu(赋) literature” and “takes the prose as the travel notes”, and reflects conflicts between two stylistic concepts of unstandardized form and style-respect. When it comes to individual feeling, OUYANG Xiu intends to break through the stylistic boundaries of “ancient prose” and “contemporary prose”, merges parallel prose and prose, and inherits HAN Yu's tradition of “Playing on Literature” (Treating essay writing as a game). He combines gravity in humor and deliberately highlights the sensation of “joy”. By reconciling the suffering of life, OUYANG shows political frustration and efforts to transcend the misery. The breakthrough of stylistic boundaries and the blending of joy and sorrow are rooted in OUYANG's painful experience in the Northern Song Dynasty Parties struggle, and also accord with the common experience of ancient Chinese intellectuals. The vivid physical features and deep emotional tension endow this work with the nature of literary classics.

Key words: Drunkard Pavilion Records, OUYANG Xiu, ancient prose, unstandardized form, comical style, Playing on Literature, the joy of the prefecture chief
