
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 63-70.

• 文学新探 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国社会科学院 文学研究所,北京 102445
  • 出版日期:2021-03-25 发布日期:2021-05-12
  • 作者简介:陶文鹏,中国社会科学院文学研究所研究员。

On the Art of XIN Qiji's Refining Dictions and Sentences, Antithesis and Parallelism

TAO Wenpeng   

  1. Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 102445, China
  • Online:2021-03-25 Published:2021-05-12

摘要: 辛弃疾是两宋最杰出的词人。他的词作开篇常如奇峰突起,扣人心弦;结尾多隐喻象征,寓意深远。他好作奇怪语,炼字能“平字见奇,常字见险,陈字见新,朴字见色”。词中对仗的内容、形式、手法丰富多样,尤善于在对仗中以开阖、正反、抑扬造成“合力”效应,表现出新鲜深厚的情思意蕴。其排比也显示了高超的艺术。辛弃疾将词的意象美、音乐美、对称美、参差美表现得淋漓尽致。然而玉有微瑕,辛词的极少数作品没有做到逐字逐句地打磨,以致字词重复。顾随评其作品“细谨不拘,大行无亏”,是中肯的。

关键词: 辛弃疾, 研炼字句, 对仗, 合力, 排比

Abstract: XIN Qiji is the most outstanding poet of the Song Dynasty.Openings of his poems often resemble the protruding peaks which are gripping; endings are full of metaphors and symbols with profound meaning. He is expert in coining bizarre words. Though his dictions, one can “see unusualness in ordinary characters, excitement in common characters, novelty in old characters, and color in plain characters”. The contents, forms, and methods of the antithesis in his lyrics are rich and varied, and he is especially good at creating a “joint force” effect in the antithesis via opening and closing, pros and cons, rise and fall, showing fresh and profound sentimental meaning. XIN Qiji's parallelism also shows the superb art. The beauty of imagery, music, symmetry and unevenness is vividly expressed. However, just as the jade has slight flaws, very few works of XIN Qiji have not been polished word by word, resulting in redundant repetition. GU Sui's comment that XIN's work “is meticulous and unrestrained, integrated and unbroken” is pertinent.

Key words: XIN Qiji, refinement of dictions and sentences, antithesis, joint force, parallelism
