
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 110-120.

• 哲学反思 • 上一篇    下一篇

解放政治的重新奠基: 阿尔都塞对唯物辩证法的解构与建构


  1. 北京师范大学 哲学学院、价值与文化研究中心,北京 100875
  • 出版日期:2021-03-25 发布日期:2021-05-12
  • 作者简介:徐克飞,北京师范大学哲学学院、价值与文化研究中心教授。
  • 基金资助:

The Re-Foundations of Liberation Politics: Althusser's Deconstruction and Construction on Materialist Dialectics

XU Kefei   

  1. School of Philosophy, Research Center for Value and Culture,BNU, Beijing 100875,China
  • Online:2021-03-25 Published:2021-05-12

摘要: 阿尔都塞对唯物辩证法的解构就是其思想建构的过程。他的这一解构思路表现在:(1)“否定之否定”是黑格尔历史哲学的支柱。他认为马克思抛弃了“否定之否定”之后建立了历史科学;(2)“量转化为质”实际上是“质”与“质”之间的转化,即不同的结构之间的转变。黑格尔因为缺乏结构的概念才认为量的积累引发了质的“飞跃”;(3)他的多元决定的矛盾理论使“对立面的同一”与黑格尔的矛盾理论相脱钩。这一操作的实质是在一个主导结构之下恢复了多元异质因素的活力,并催生了取代传统矛盾概念的“对抗”理论。阿尔都塞在取消辩证法之后创造了一种立足于“独特性”的新的唯物辩证法——“趋势辩证法”。“趋势辩证法”将独特的个体的自由作为出发点和目的,并为从现实形势出发建构保证人的自由的新的政治形式进行了理论配置。

关键词: 唯物辩证法, 否定之否定, 量转化为质, 对立面的同一, “趋势辩证法”, 解放政治

Abstract: Althusser's deconstruction on materialist dialectics is also the construction of his own thoughts. His deconstruction ideas are as follows. 1) The “negation of negation” is the pillar of Hegel's philosophy of history. Althusser believes that Marx establishes his science of philosophy after abandoning the “negation of negation”; 2) “Transformation of quantity into quality” is actually the transformation between “quality” and “quality”, namely, the transformation between different structures. Lack of recognition to the concept of “structure”, Hegel assumes that the accumulation of quantity causes the qualitative “leap”; 3) His contradiction theory of multiple decisions decouples “identity of opposites” from Hegel's contradiction theory. The essence of this view is to revive the vitality of multiple heterogeneous factors under a dominant structure and give birth to the “confrontation” theory which replaces the traditional concept of contradiction. After abolishing dialectics, Althusser creates a new kind of materialist dialectics based on “singularity”, that is, “dialectics of tendency”. Such “dialectics of tendency” takes the individual's freedom as the starting point and also as the goal, and it provides theory for constructing the new political form which guarantees people's liberation through realistic situation.

Key words: materialist dialectics, the negation of negation, transformation of quantity into quality, identity of opposites, “dialectics of tendency”, liberation politics
