
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 92-103.

• 教育高质量发展研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


马健生, 黄莹莹   

  1. 北京师范大学 国际与比较教育研究院, 北京 100875
  • 出版日期:2021-05-25 发布日期:2021-09-01
  • 作者简介:马健生, 教育学博士, 北京师范大学国际与比较教育研究院教授。
  • 基金资助:

Hypocritical Education and Its Transcendence: An Analysis Based on the Essence of Fostering Virtue through Education

MA Jiansheng, HUANG Yingying   

  1. Institute of International and Comparative Education, BNU, Beijing 100875, China
  • Online:2021-05-25 Published:2021-09-01

摘要: 在物质相对富裕的时代背景下, 有偏的教育理论、教育舆论与学校管理共同形塑了乡愿式教育。乡愿式教育是一种背离立德树人教育本质的教育样态, 以“学生中心”立场、“快乐至上”态度、“解放个性”目标和“教育服务”方式为主要特征。乡愿式教育固然容易营造出一幅学生快乐、家长满意、社会认同的“现代教育”景象, 实则是对教育立德树人本质的扭曲, 甚至不再对学生进行价值上的引导与社会化的涵养, 具体表现为教师成为耍弄技术、迎合学生的“服务者”|学生缺少理想与责任感, 在片面重视个性、追求快乐的环境下成长为精致的利己主义者或脆弱的“巨婴”。为了超越乡愿式教育, 必须恢复教育的立德树人本质和力量, 坚持以学生发展中心取代学生中心, 同时需要社会多方面的协力共进, 完善相关法律制度以培养学校的免疫性和守护教师的自尊与自重, 从而促进教育现代化, 激发学校办学活力, 造就勇于担当、能够行走于未来世界的德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。

关键词: 乡愿式教育, 立德树人, 富裕时代, 价值引导, 学生发展中心

Abstract: Against the backdrop of well-off times, hypocritical education is shaped by educational theories, public opinions, and school administrations. Characterized by student-centered stance, the pursuit of supreme happiness, the aim of personality liberation, and the means of education as services, hypocritical education deviates from fostering virtue through education. Although hypocritical education can easily create the scene of “modern education” where students are happy, parents are satisfied, and society are supportive, it actually distorts the essence of fostering virtue through education, and even cannot guide students in value and socialization anymore. To be specific, it causes teachers to be servers, who play with skills and cater to students, and pushes students to grow up as delicate egoists or fragile “giant babies”, who lack ideals and the sense of responsibility due to the one-sided emphasis on personality and happiness. To transcend the hypocritical education, restoring the educational essence and strength of fostering virtue through education is necessary. We should insist on replacing the student-centeredness with the student development-centeredness, and at the same time, the cooperation of various aspects of society is needed in improving the relevant legal system, so as to cultivate the immunity of the school and protect the self-esteem of teachers. All these endeavors would promote education modernization, stimulate schools' vitality and train socialist builders and successors with all-round ability in areas such as morals, intelligence, physical fitness, work and aesthetics who have the courage to undertake responsibilities along with the ability to act in the future world.

Key words: the hypocritical education, fostering virtue through education, well-off times, value guiding, students' development-centeredness
