
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 16-28.

• 学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神 • 上一篇    下一篇


戚聿东, 栾菁   

  1. 北京师范大学 经济与工商管理学院,北京 100875
  • 出版日期:2024-11-25 发布日期:2025-01-02
  • 作者简介:戚聿东,经济学博士,北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院教授。
  • 基金资助:

Patient Capital Empowers the Development of New Quality Productivity:Intrinsic Logic and Realization Path

QI Yudong, LUAN Jing   

  1. Business School,BNU,Beijing 100875,China
  • Online:2024-11-25 Published:2025-01-02

摘要: 新质生产力是实现中国式现代化的动力源泉,发展新质生产力需要耐心资本发挥作用。无论是政府引导资金还是市场主导资金,作为耐心资本都具有向远、向质、向新、向实的投资取向。从经济史证据来看,耐心资本在历次“新生产力”跃升过程中均发挥了重要作用。耐心资本在企业做大、做强、做优、做久的过程中发挥着引领和支持作用,赋能科技突破、成果转化和扩散升级,驱策经济发展向高科技、高效能、高质量方向转型升级,从微观、中观和宏观三个层面助力新质生产力的培育与发展。发展壮大耐心资本,需要深化体制改革,形塑“耐心”环境;聚焦技术落地,筑牢“耐心”根基,使新质生产力在资本市场的加持下顺利培育、顺畅落地。

关键词: 耐心资本, 新质生产力, 风险投资, 生产力变革

Abstract: New quality productivity is the driving force for Chinese path to modernization.The development of new quality productivity requires the role of patient capital.Whether it is government guided funds or market led funds,as patient capital,they both have the property of far-sighted,quality-oriented,innovative,and real-economy-forced.From the economic history evidence,patient capital has played a role in each of the “new productivity” leapfrog processes.Patient capital plays a leading and supportive role in the entire process of enterprise growth,strengthening,excellence,and longevity,provides enabling and assistance in the entire process of technological breakthroughs,results conversion and diffusion upgrading,drives the economy to transform towards high-tech,high-efficiency,and high-quality direction,and provides support at the micro,meso,and macro levels for the cultivation and development of new quality productivity.Therefore,it is necessary to improve the capital market,strengthen patient capital;deepen the reform system,shape the “patient” environment;focus on technology landing,solidify the “patient” foundation,so that the new quality productivity can be supported by the capital market and smoothly cultivated and landed.

Key words: patient capital, new quality productivity, venture capital, productivity revolution
