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北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 43-51.

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  1. 深圳大学 外国语学院,深圳 518061
  • 出版日期:2021-03-25 发布日期:2021-05-12
  • 作者简介:顾明栋,文学博士,深圳大学外国语学院特聘教授,美国达拉斯德州大学人文艺术学院教授。

Compatible Grounds for Chinese and Western Aesthetics: A Comparative Study of LIU Xie and Schelling's Artistic Views

GU Mingdong   

  1. School of Foreign Languages, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518061, China
  • Online:2021-03-25 Published:2021-05-12

摘要: 中西美学研究有一个十分重要的问题:两大美学传统之间是否有共通的概念性基础可供对话?在众多中西美学思想家中,刘勰和F·W·J·谢林是两位杰出的代表人物。他们虽然生于不同的时代,长于不同的文化传统,其艺术理论也汲取了不同的哲学和美学思想,但是,他们的艺术论却代表了中西两大美学传统的核心思想。通过对两者的艺术思想进行比较研究可以发现:他们在艺术创造、创作灵感、艺术与自然、神性与艺术、形式和内容、表征和阐释等核心问题上表达了异曲同工、甚至是惊人的相似看法,他们的洞见超越了文化传统和审美意识的差异,触及了人类审美意识的本源,不仅可以构建两大传统进行对话的共通基础,而且可以展望全球性美学理论的可行性。

关键词: 刘勰, 谢林, 美学思想, 艺术创造, 艺术论, 中西美学

Abstract: There is a thought-provoking question in the study of Chinese and Western aesthetics: Are there any compatible conceptual grounds for these two aesthetic traditions to engage in dialogues? Among numerous Chinese and Western aesthetic thinkers, LIU Xie and F. W. J. Schelling are two outstanding representatives. Born in different times and growing up with diverse cultural traditions, they absorb various philosophical and aesthetic thoughts in art. However, their artistic views embody core ideas in Chinese and Western aesthetic traditions. By conducting a comparative study of their artistic appeals, we can find that they have expressed comparable and even amazingly similar ideas on artistic creation, creative inspiration, the relationships between nature and art, divinity and art, form and content, representation and interpretation, etc. Their profound insights have transcended the differences in cultural traditions and aesthetic awareness and touched deep dimensions of human aesthetic consciousness, hence capable of constructing a common ground for dialogues between Chinese and Western traditions and envisioning the possibility of a global aesthetic theory.

Key words: LIU Xie, Schelling, aesthetic thoughts, artistic creation, artistic views, Chinese and Western aesthetics
