
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 102-112.

• 文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京师范大学 哲学学院,北京 100875
  • 出版日期:2024-11-25 发布日期:2025-01-02
  • 作者简介:崔振鹏,文学博士,北京师范大学哲学学院博士后、助理研究员。
  • 基金资助:

The Change from Literati to Confucian Scholars:Song Lian's Identity Reconstruction and the Shift of Scholarly Style in the Late Yuan and Early Ming Dynasties

CUI Zhenpeng   

  1. School of Philosophy,BNU,Beijing 100875,China
  • Online:2024-11-25 Published:2025-01-02

摘要: 元明易代之际,士人群体的社会地位及自我认知发生剧变,宋濂是身处其中并推动潮流的关键人物。元末仕路难行,士人多栖身于“文人”之列,宋濂早年亦有攻习和创作古文辞的长期经历。但随着对理学的深度接受,宋濂的自我期许由“文人”转向“儒者”,他以自我书写等方式推动自身转型,以一介布衣标举“真儒”理想,力图重新揭橥士人的身份价值。逮乎明初,宋濂已出仕并以“儒宗”形象示人,其积极参与新朝礼乐教化,劝导士人不务文辞而明体适用,推动了一代士风转移。宋濂之所以成为有明“开国文臣之首”,与其对士人身份的根本思考与长期实践有关,这改变了“流而为文人”的学术史趋势,也启发了易代之后士林的身份自觉与文化担当。

关键词: 宋濂, 士人身份, 易代, 自我书写, 理学

Abstract: During the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties,the social status and self-awareness of the scholar community underwent a drastic change,and Song Lian was a key figure who was involved in it and promoted the trend.At the end of the Yuan dynasty,many scholar found themselves a place in the literati community due to the difficulties in their official career,and Song Lian also had a long experience of studying and writing ancient texts in his early years.But with a deep acceptance of Neo-Confucianism,Song Lian's self-perception shifted from being a scholar to a Confucian.He used the method of self-writing to promote his own transformation,propagated the identity ideals of Neo-Confucianism,and attempted to redefine the value of scholars.At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty,he eventually became the “Master of Confucianism”,who actively participated in the politics and education of the new dynasty,persuading scholars not to focus solely on rhetoric,but rather on theoretical and practical knowledge,and promoting a shift in the scholarly style of a generation.The reason why Song Lian was able to become the head of civil officials of the Ming dynasty,is based on his fundamental thinking and long-term practice on the proposition of scholar identity,which had changed the trend of academic history and led to the self-awareness and cultural responsibility of scholars after dynastic changes.

Key words: Song Lian, scholar identity, dynastic changes, self-writing, Neo-Confucianism
