
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 90-101.

• 文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京大学 中国古文献研究中心、中国语言文学系,北京 100871
  • 出版日期:2024-11-25 发布日期:2025-01-02
  • 作者简介:李成晴,文学博士,北京大学中国古文献研究中心、中国语言文学系副教授。
  • 基金资助:

The Materiality Background and Literary Context of Inscribing Poems on Paper Windows in Ancient China

LI Chengqing   

  1. Center for Ancient Chinese Classics & Archives;Department of Chinese Language and Literature,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China
  • Online:2024-11-25 Published:2025-01-02

摘要: 纸窗题诗是中国古代一个颇具华夏文化特色的诗歌题写传统。题诗于窗,其与题壁、壁帖近似的物质性背景,包括纸窗的题写即时性、观看便利性以及窗纸的可移动性;所独具的物质性背景则包括纸窗的光影特性、纸窗是沟通窗内与窗外的连接点等等。尤其重要的是,单扇窗的有限空间和多扇窗的叠加空间有机统一,单扇窗窗纸的尺幅限制了题窗诗的篇幅以短句、绝句为主,而多扇窗的叠加空间则催生了组诗的出现。回归古人“题诗于窗”的文学现场,可发现题窗诗的文学情境一方面表现在“偶然欲书”式的率性而为,另一方面则表现在“刻意为之”的经典化制作——或访人不遇而留题,或赋予题窗诗某种箴铭、教化之功能。从唐代开始,“题诗于窗”情境便在俗文学如小说、戏曲中迁移,成为推动情节发展的书写格套。

关键词: “题诗于窗”, 纸窗, 物质性, 文学情境

Abstract: The tradition of inscribing poems on paper windows is a distinctive aspect of Chinese literary culture.Ancient Chinese poetry boasts a variety of inscription traditions,among which “inscribing poems on windows” is very notable.This practice shares materiality similarities with wall inscriptions and wall posts,including the immediacy of writing on paper windows,the convenience of viewing,and the mobility of paper windows.Unique to the materiality background of this practice are the characteristics of paper windows such as their play of light and shadow,and their role as a point of connection between the interior and exterior.Crucially,the limited space of a single window and the composite space of multiple windows come together organically.The restricted dimensions of a single window typically result in short verses or quatrains,while multiple windows encourage the creation of series of poems.With a return to the literary context of the ancient practice of “inscribing poems on windows”,two aspects have been observed:on the one hand,the spontaneous and casual nature of “writing poems on windows as one wishes”,and on the other hand,the deliberate crafting of inscriptions as classic works—whether leaving inscriptions when meetings are missed or endowing inscriptions on windows with moral or educational functions.Since the Tang Dynasty,the context of “inscribing poems on windows” has migrated into popular literature such as novels and dramas,becoming a narrative device that advances plot development.

Key words: “inscribing poems on windows”, paper windows, materiality, literary context
