
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 82-96.

• 史学前沿 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.北京师范大学 史学理论与史学史研究中心,北京 100875;
    2.北京师范大学 历史学院,北京 100875
  • 出版日期:2021-03-25 发布日期:2021-05-12
  • 作者简介:张昭军,历史学博士,北京师范大学史学理论与史学史研究中心、历史学院教授。
  • 基金资助:

Rationale of QIAN Mu's Pragmatic Historiography: On The Outline of National History

ZHANG Zhaojun1,2   

  1. 1. Center for Studies of Historical Theory & Historiography, BNU, Beijing 100875;
    2. School of History, BNU, Beijing 100875, China
  • Online:2021-03-25 Published:2021-05-12

摘要: 近代新史学的主流是变革论和冲突论。无论现代化范式还是革命史范式,均以现代性为中心,视古与今、中与西的矛盾冲突为主要方面。与此不同,作为抗战时期经世史学的代表作,钱穆所著《国史大纲》以历史思维回答现实问题,力主维护和衍续中国历史传统,也产生了较大社会反响。这在很大程度上得力于该书独特的学术理路。其一,以文化为本位观察中国历史:中国的生命活力在文化,当下的中国仍需在发扬固有文化传统的前提下寻求突破。其二,从会通的角度解释中国历史:中国因融和而壮大,因贯通而持久,所恃的是文化而非武力,当下的中国仍处于融会外来文化而发展壮大的进程中。《国史大纲》一反“中国停滞论”、“专制论”、“封建论”等说法,展示了中国重统一、尚和平、不断趋于平等化的传统,激发了国人的爱国挚意,坚定了国人抗战必胜的信念。该书解决问题的理路,于今人不乏重要启示。

关键词: 钱穆, 《国史大纲》, 经世, 文化本位, 历史理论

Abstract: The tradition-modernity theory and impact-response theory are usually seen as the mainstream of modern new historiography. However, both modernization and revolutionary history paradigms concentrate on modernity which regards contradictions and conflicts between ancient and modern, China and the West as the main aspects. In contrast, as one of the masterpieces of historiography during anti-Japanese War, QIAN Mu's The Outline of National History answers realistic questions with historical thinking, and advocates to maintain and continue Chinese historical tradition, which makes complementary achievement. This is largely attributed to the unique perspective and rationale of the book. Firstly, it reviews Chinese historical traditions based on culture: China's vitality lies in its culture, and the modern China still needs to seek breakthroughs at the basis of developing its inherent cultural traditions. Secondly, it explains Chinese history from the perspective of integration: Chinese culture has grown through integration and becomes long lasting through fusion, which relies on culture rather than force. Modern China is still in the process of accepting critically foreign cultures and developing rapidly. The Outline of National History refutes the voice of “Stagnant China”, “Authoritarian China”, “Feudalistic China”, demonstrates China's tradition of unification, peace and the constant tendency towards equalization. It has inspired the patriotism of Chinese people and strengthened their belief of wining in anti-Japanese War. The rational of this book in addressing problems provides enlightenment for people nowadays.

Key words: QIAN Mu, The Outline of National History, pragmatism, culture centered, historical theory
