
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2018, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 85-96.

• 史学前沿 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京师范大学历史学院,北京 100875
  • 收稿日期:2017-07-07 出版日期:2018-01-15 发布日期:2019-06-20
  • 基金资助:

Institutional Crisis and Mismanagement of Civil Examination Reform in Late Qing Dynasty: A Study from Perspective of Interactive Relationship Between Discrimination and Examination Style

JIA Lin   

  1. School of History,BNU,Beijing 100875,China
  • Received:2017-07-07 Online:2018-01-15 Published:2019-06-20

摘要: 晚清科举的制度危机除了内容方面饱受责难的“所用非所学”之外,还突出体现在清廷对区分度与考试文体这一关系互动的长期应对以及由此造成的积重难返。八股文体中“大结”的祛除使得清前中期科举考试面临严重的考试区分度下降问题,清廷通过引入试帖诗来提高考试区分度,但随着士子文体方面调适的完成,区分度问题再度凸显。随后科场关注点后移至相对繁复二、三场,在经、策“满卷获隽”暨区分度提升的同时,“公羊”与“杂学”亦羼入考试并使得文体变得驳杂。而清季朝廷进行的科举改革并未将这种文体驳杂情形视为一种改革决策时必要的考量出发点与客观存在,而是采取基于八股文体窄化的“普通学”改章取向,与原有的文体驳杂一道开启了一个更大规模的科场驳杂与意识形态的驳杂之局,这在客观上因应了当时“革命初潮”的形成并在考试与体制内部不同程度销解了士子阶层对于清廷的向心力。

关键词: 科举改革, 区分度, 考试文体, 制度危机, 晚清

Abstract: In addition to the examination content for occupation not related to one's training which has suffered lots of criticism,institutional crisis in late Qing Dynasty particularly embodied in government's mismanagement in dealing with the interactive relationship between discrimination and examination style,which eventually posed a political dilemma that the authorities hardly got rid of.Civil examination faced the serious problem of decreased discrimination after abolishment of dajie in the end of eight-legged essay style in early and middle Qing Dynasty.Shitie poem style was introduced to improve the discrimination,which was decreased again after candidates' adaptation to the new style.As the examiner focused on second and third round of the examination which contents were relatively complicated and inclined to make high marks to papers with long answers,the discrimination increased while the styles of Gongyang and miscellaneous works incorporated into the examination field.The government adopted the policy based on dealing with narrow range of knowledge of eight-legged essay style and didn't recognized the starting point for decision-making and the objective existence,which led to a more chaotic situation in examination and ideological field with chaos before.This situation objectively cooperated the formation of revolutionary menarche and in different degrees decreased the centripetal forces of the scholar class to the authorities.

Key words: Marxism, interpersonal networks, diffusion of innovations
