
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 48-55.

• 职业心理研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


伍新春1, 齐亚静2   

  1. 1.北京师范大学 心理学部、应用实验心理北京市重点实验室、心理学国家级实验教学示范中心(北京师范大学),北京 100075;
    2.中国青年政治学院 青少年工作系,北京 100089
  • 出版日期:2021-09-25 发布日期:2021-11-25
  • 作者简介:伍新春(通讯作者,E-mail: xcwu@bnu.edu.cn),心理学博士,北京师范大学心理学部教授。

The Classification of Teachers' Job Resources and Its Enlightenment from the Perspective of Occupational Mental Health

WU Xinchun1, QI Yajing2   

  1. 1. Faculty of Psychology,Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology, National Demonstration Center for Experimental Psychology Education,BNU,Beijing 100875;
    2. Youth Work Department,China Youth University of Political Studies,Beijing 100089,China
  • Online:2021-09-25 Published:2021-11-25

摘要: 采用中小学教师工作特征问卷中的工作资源分问卷、中小学教师职业倦怠问卷和中文版Utrecht工作投入量表对799名中小学教师进行测查,基于职业心理健康的视角,通过因素分析探讨教师工作资源的分类,并考察不同类别的工作资源对教师职业倦怠和工作投入的影响。结果发现:(1)组织支持、同事支持和硬件条件等工作资源,能够正向预测工作投入,但对情绪衰竭和非人性化没有显著的预测作用,可称为“激励型资源”;(2)自主控制和工作意义等工作资源,既能够负向预测情绪衰竭和非人性化,又能够正向预测工作投入,可称为“成长型资源”;(3)工作回报等工作资源,能够负向预测情绪衰竭,但对工作投入和非人性化没有显著的预测作用,可称为“保健型资源”。据此,在教师激励过程中,应大力挖掘成长型资源,有效开发激励型资源,合理利用保健型资源。

关键词: 教师, 工作资源, 保健型资源, 激励型资源, 成长型资源

Abstract: A sample of 799 primary and secondary school teachers was investigated with the Job Resource sub-questionnaire of Teachers' Job Characteristics Scale,the Teachers' Burnout Scale and the Chinese Version of Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Based on the perspective of occupational mental health,we have explored the classification of job resources through factor analysis,and have investigated the influence of different classification of job resources on teachers' burnout and work engagement. The results show that:(1) organizational support,co-worker support and hardware conditions are called “motivation resources” which could predict work engagement positively,but could not predict emotional exhaustion or depersonalization; (2) autonomy and significance of work are called “growth resources” which could predict emotional exhaustion and depersonalization negatively,and could also predict work engagement positively; (3) work reward and others are called “hygiene resources” which could predict emotional exhaustion negatively,but have no effect on work engagement or depersonalization. Therefore,in the process of teacher motivation,the growth resources should be vigorously tapped,the motivation resources should be effectively developed and the hygiene resources should be rationally utilized.

Key words: teacher, job resources, hygiene resources, motivation resources, growth resources
