
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 5-19.

• 中国式现代化研究 •    下一篇



  1. 中共中央党校(国家行政学院) 社会和生态文明教研部,北京 100089
  • 出版日期:2021-11-25 发布日期:2022-02-24
  • 作者简介:吴忠民,中共中央党校(国家行政学院)社会和生态文明教研部教授。

On the Multiplier Effect of China's Modernization

WU Zhongmin   

  1. Department of Social Governance and Ecological Advancement,Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C/National Academy of Governance,Beijing 100089,China
  • Online:2021-11-25 Published:2022-02-24

摘要: 21世纪之初,中国现代化的乘数效应得以形成并显现出来。中国现代化的乘数效应之所以能够形成,主要原因在于:民众基于美好生活目标的辛勤劳作;极为重视物质生产基础和人才队伍的建设;流动空间和流动渠道得以大面积大幅度地扩展;政府强有力的推动。中国现代化的乘数效应从一个重要方面不但有效地推动了中国现代化建设的方方面面初步整合成为一个有机整体,为现代化建设蓄积了巨大的势能,大幅度提升了中国在世界范围内的影响力,而且有效地保障了中国社会的安全运行。这一切,促成了中国现代化建设整体上的升级换代,进而跃升到一个全新的阶段。为有效应对现代化乘数效应的隐患并确保中国现代化进程健康和持续的推进,应当特别注意:对中国现代化建设的总体水准形成一个清醒的准确判断;注重打牢完整的制造业生产体系的根基;注重产业结构的升级换代。

关键词: 中国现代化, 乘数效应, 迅速扩散, 升级换代, 大工业, 政府推动

Abstract: The multiplier effect of China's modernization has formed and emerged at the beginning of the 21st century.Its reasons are as follows:people's hard work based on the goal for a better life,great emphasis set on the construction of material production foundation and talent team construction,the great expansion of the space and channels of social mobility in a large area,and the government's strong promotion.From one important aspect,the multiplier effect of China's modernization has not only effectively promoted the initial integration of all aspects of China's modernization into an organic whole,has accumulated huge potential energy for modernization and has greatly improved China's influence across the world,but has also effectively ensured the safe operation of Chinese society from another important aspect.All these reasons have contributed to the overall upgrading of China's modernization drive,which leads to a leap into a new stage.In order to effectively deal with the hidden dangers of the multiplier effect and to ensure the healthy and sustainable promotion of China's modernization process,special attention should be paid to the following aspects:forming a clear-headed and accurate judgment on the overall level of China's modernization construction,laying a solid foundation for a complete manufacturing production system,and upgrading China's industrial structure.

Key words: China's modernization, multiplier effect, rapid diffusion, upgrading, large-scale industry, government promotion
