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北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 59-68.

• 校庆特稿 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京师范大学 文学院,北京 100875
  • 出版日期:2022-09-25 发布日期:2022-09-29
  • 作者简介:任翔,文学博士,北京师范大学文学院教授。
  • 基金资助:

LI Jinxi's Teaching Thought of Chinese Reading

REN Xiang   

  1. School of Chinese Language and Literature,BNU,Beijing 100875,China
  • Online:2022-09-25 Published:2022-09-29

摘要: 黎锦熙先生以先进的教育理念、前瞻的现代意识、开阔的学术视野、执着的探索精神,在长达70年的教学研究生涯中,形成了独具特色的语文阅读教学思想,他的以“读”为核心的语文阅读教学思想具有重要的理论价值。一是把阅读教学置于语文教学的首要地位,将教师教会学生“读”,学生学会“读”作为语文阅读教学的主要目标;二是发挥了阅读的带动作用,以“读”带动听、说、写能力的整体提升;三是促进了教与学的互动统一,既发挥了教师的主导性,又调动了学生的自主性;四是区分了白话文与文言文不同的阅读教学方式,运用“两纲”、“四目”、“四段”的教学思想开展阅读教学活动。深入研究黎锦熙语文阅读教学思想,对新时代阅读教学无疑具有重要启示与借鉴价值。

关键词: 黎锦熙, 两纲, 四目, 四段, 语文阅读, 教学思想

Abstract: Mr.LI Jinxi,with his advanced educational philosophy,forward-looking modern awareness,broadened academic vision and persistent exploration spirit,has formed his unique teaching thought of Chinese reading during his 70-year teaching and research.His teaching theory of Chinese reading with “reading” as its core is of important theoretical value.Firstly,he gives top priority to reading instruction in Chinese teaching,with teachers teaching students to “read”,students learning to “read” as its primary goal.Secondly,he emphasizes the driving role of reading,with “reading” promoting the overall improvement of listening,speaking and writing ability.Thirdly,the idea promotes the interaction and unity of teaching and learning,which not only gives play to the dominant role of teachers but also mobilizes the autonomy of students.Finally,it distinguishes the different teaching strategies of reading between vernacular Chinese and classical Chinese with the teaching ideas of “two guides”,“four catalogues” and “four sections”.As this year marks the 120th anniversary of Beijing Normal University,the in-depth study of LI Jinxi's teaching thought of Chinese reading will undoubtedly have the value of important enlightenment and reference for reading teaching in the new era.

Key words: LI Jinxi, two guides, four catalogues, four sections, Chinese reading, teaching thought
