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北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 116-123.

• 乡村振兴研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 成都理工大学 马克思主义学院,成都 610059
  • 出版日期:2022-11-25 发布日期:2022-12-03
  • 作者简介:罗浩轩,法学博士,成都理工大学马克思主义学院教授。
  • 基金资助:

The Road to “the Complete Bundle of Rights”:The Theoretical Logic of Agricultural Land System Transformation in China

LUO Haoxuan   

  1. School of Marxism,Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu 610059,China
  • Online:2022-11-25 Published:2022-12-03

摘要: 要判断中国农地制度改革方向,必须厘清中国农地制度变迁的理论逻辑。中华人民共和国成立以来农地制度变迁过程可被理解为组成农地权利束的各项权能在不同主体之间的分化组合:经过土地改革后农民拥有了完整的农地权利束;农业集体化造成了农民的农地产权不完整;家庭承包经营制的确立将完整的使用权和收益权再次让渡给了农民;“三权分置”改革仍是以农民拥有完整的农地权利束为指向的。中国农地产权权能分化组合体现了中国共产党以人民为中心的价值旨归。实践证明,国家或集体每次将某项权能赋予农民时,农业生产活力就会得到释放;每一次收回某项权能时,农业生产活力就会受到影响。因此,中国农地制度变迁的理论逻辑可被提炼为:以人民为中心,不断推进农民的农地产权向权利束完整状态转变。

关键词: 农地制度变迁, 理论逻辑, 产权不完整, 权利束, 处置权

Abstract: To judge the direction of agricultural land system reform in China,it's necessary to clarify the theoretical logic of agricultural land system transformation in China.The transformation of agricultural land system can be understood as the differentiation and combination of various rights and functions that constitute the bundle of agricultural land property rights among different subjects since the founding of the PRC:After the land reform at the beginning of PRC,farmers had a complete bundle of agricultural land property rights,but the collectivization of agriculture made the agricultural land property rights defect.The establishment of the household responsibility system has transferred the complete rights of use and usufruct to farmers again,and nowadays the reform of “separation of three rights” is still directed at the complete bundle of agricultural land property rights.The differentiation and combination of various rights and functions of agricultural lands in China reflect the people-centered value orientation of the Communist Party of China.The practice has also proved that the vitality of agricultural production will be released whenever the state or collective grants a certain right to farmers;the vitality of agricultural production will be affected whenever a certain right is withdrawn.Therefore,the theoretical logic of agricultural land system transformation in China can be summarized as adherence to the people-centered value concept and constantly pushing farmers' agricultural land property rights toward the state of the complete bundle of rights.

Key words: agricultural land system transformation, theoretical logic, property defects, the bundle of rights, disposal rights
