Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 98-104.
• History——Researches on Academic Ideology History • Previous Articles Next Articles
LUO Yang
Abstract: The “writing style of Chunqiu (The Spring and Autumn Annals)” is usually regarded as the evaluation standard set up by Confucius,an embodiment of the subjective consciousness of historical writing.However,there are two aspects reflected in the writing of Chunqiu.One is to reflect the objective history,that is,the historical events that had taken place.The other is to reflect the subjective consciousness,that is,the writer's subjective judgment.The historical text is the combination of the subject (the writer)and the object (recorded historical events),and there is a tension between those two aspects.The record of historical events in Chunqiu is the result of writer's judgment.The judgment of historian (Confucius in this case)can be divided into two levels.One is the confirmation of historical facts,which means the historical events must first be subjectively analyzed and judged by the historian,but the historians' recognition is inevitably influenced by the cultural tradition,so their understanding of objective truth could not exceed the meaning system of the historical period.The other is the writing rules of the historian,which means the facts analyzed and confirmed by the historians should be expressed in appropriate words.This is also objectified as the writing style of Chunqiu in the long-term historical tradition,which is an objective embodiment of the historical concept in that period.It was solidified and strengthened in the mutual recognition among the historians,which provided the condition for the existence of historical reality.The historians paid less attention to the objective authenticity of historical records in the writing of Chunqiu,but tried to better represent the truth of history in their minds by highlighting their own subjectivity.This subjective consciousness comes from and is limited by the historical tradition,which reflects the objective rationality of that historical period.Therefore,the writing style of Chunqiu is a special way to record the truth of objective history.
Key words: Chunqiu (The Spring and Autumn Annals), the writing style of Chunqiu, historical writing, objectivity
CLC Number:
LUO Yang. The Style of The Spring and Autumn Annals and the Objectivity of Its Historical Writing[J]. Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences), 2020, 0(2): 98-104.
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