Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 122-129.
• Philosophy • Previous Articles Next Articles
XU Yuxiao
Abstract: Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri emphasized the productive dimension of Paul-Michel Foucault's theory of biopolitics,linked it with Marxist theory of social production,especially immaterial labor theory of Italian autonomy Marxist,and studied the immaterial labor theory from the perspective of biopolitics,thus forming the theory of biopolitical production.Biopolitical production is mainly manifested in the form of immaterial labor,which not only produces goods,but also produces subjects and social relations.The problem of subjects is the key node that connects biopolitics and immaterial labor.It is based on the thinking on the problem of subjects that Hardt and Negri put forward the theory of biopolitical production on the basis of the biopolitics theory and the immaterial labor theory.Through the research of the new form of production,that is,immaterial labor or biopolitical production,Hardt and Negri try to find a new revolutionary subject and reconstruct a different path from Marx to realize communism.However,from the most fundamental principles and methods of the argument,their theory of biopolitical production still belongs to the category of historical materialism.
Key words: biopolitical production, immaterial labor, biopolitics, subjects
CLC Number:
XU Yuxiao. A Research on Hardt and Negri's Theory of “Biopolitical Production”: From“immaterial labor” “biopolitics” to “biopolitical production”[J]. Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences), 2020, 0(2): 122-129.
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