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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 154-160.

• Education Forums • Previous Articles    

Charles Sanders Peirce's Theory of Belief and Its Implication

GENG Boya, SHI Zhongying   

  1. Institute of Education,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
  • Online:2023-03-25 Published:2023-04-06

Abstract: As a pragmatist philosopher,Peirce made a rich philosophical arguments on epistemology,methodology of belief,and true belief.In Peirce's view,people can perceive belief through inner feelings and external actions.The connotation and meaning of the belief are clarified by the effects and actual meanings produced by the belief.The fixation of belief should adhere to the methodology combining inquiry,the method of science,and logical reasoning closely.The true belief is the goal of infinite inquiry with the effort of the community,be fixed according to the reality thoroughly,and be owned with the nature of satisfaction and indefeasibility.Peirce's theory of belief has the inevitable theoretical defects of pragmatism philosophy,but at the same time,it has a certain enlightenment value for answering the question of whether belief can be taught,what to teach and how to teach to strengthen the ideals and beliefs of adolescents in contemporary China's ideal and belief education.

Key words: Charles Sanders Peirce, theory of belief, ideal and belief education, true belief

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