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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 108-122.

• Classic Literature • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Last Decade of HAN-MENG Poetry School:Focusing on the Controversial Shi Ding Lian Ju

SUN Yujin   

  1. Department of Culture and History, Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C./National Academy of Governance, Beijing 100091, China
  • Online:2023-07-25 Published:2023-08-28

Abstract: The writing of Lian Ju is the driving mechanism of the development of HAN-MENG poetry school and an important representation of the strange poetry style.For a long time, opinions have gathered around Shi Ding Lian Ju, which directly affects the complete cognition of HAN-MENG poetry school.Considering the history of the interpretation of Shi Ding Lian Ju, the research path of ZHU Xi-WEI Yuan is quite valuable.Through statistical analysis, it is not difficult to see the unique stylistic characteristics and the meaning space full of political irony and human reflections in HAN Yu's Lian Ju.The poem Shi Ding Lian Ju is highly consistent with the characteristics of HAN Yu's Lian Ju, so the author, event and writing time of Shi Ding Lian Ju can be confirmed one by one.It can be seen that Shi Ding Lian Ju not only faithfully inherits the creation style of HAN-MENG poetry school, but also has a great development.This poem breaks through the basic pattern of two-person's creation, and breeds the structural change of HAN-MENG poetry school and the wonderful opportunity of its integration and development with the ancient prose movement.It can be described as a major turning point in the last decade of HAN-MENG poetry school.

Key words: HAN-MENG poetry school, HAN Yu, the style of Lian Ju, Shi Ding Lian Ju, strange poetry style

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