
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 121-128.

• 哲学史研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 陕西师范大学 哲学学院,西安 710119
  • 出版日期:2024-05-25 发布日期:2024-07-17
  • 作者简介:李敬峰,哲学博士,陕西师范大学哲学学院教授。
  • 基金资助:

Ji Ben's Notes of the Great Learning and the “Controversy between Zhu Xi and WangYangming” in the Middle and Late Ming Dynasty

LI Jingfeng   

  1. School of Philosophy,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an 710119,China
  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-07-17

摘要: 不同于阳明其他弟子主要以讲学形式介入“朱、王之争”,有“王门的经学者”之称的季本则从“朱、王之争”的肯綮《大学》入手,倾力撰写《大学私存》,从文本和义理两个层面展开深入辨析。在《大学》文本上,季本在双谴双取朱子、阳明的基础上,构建颇有特色的“季氏改本《大学》”;在《大学》义理上,他大体沿袭阳明的思想主张,而与朱子相差甚远,开显出“立足经学、宗本阳明、兼摄朱子”的解决“朱、王之争”的学术方案。他的方案一方面折射出阳明心学内部绝非已有的研究所表明的那样皆是陵夷经典式的,另一方面也反映出在早期的“朱、王之争”中,朱子学始终是“在场的”,以参照物的形式影响着阳明学的演进。这不仅有助于我们把握早期“朱、王之争”的学术样态,也有益于理解经典诠释与学术思潮之间的双向互动。

关键词: 季本, 《大学私存》, “朱、王之争”, 经学

Abstract: Unlike other Wang Yangming's disciples who mainly intervened in the form of lectures in the “Controversy between Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming”,Ji Ben,known as a “scriptural scholar of Wang Yangming's school”,resorted to classical exegesis,starting from the “Controversy between Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming” in the Great Learning,and devoted his efforts to writing his book,Notes of the Great Learning,and carried out in-depth analyses of both texts and doctrines.From the texts of the Great Learning,Ji Ben constructed his characteristic “Ji's altered version of the Great Learning” based on the condemnation and absorption of the ideas from Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming.In doctrines of the Great Learning,he largely followed the ideas of Wang Yangming,and his ideas greatly deviated from those of Zhu Xi.He pioneered an academic program to resolve the dispute between Zhu and Wang by “basing himself on Confucianism,taking Yangming's doctrines as its basis and showing compatibility with Zhu's doctrines”.This scheme reflects,on the one hand,that the internal Yangming School of Mind is by no means a declining classic,as existing studies have shown,and,on the other hand,that Zhu Xi's philosophy is always “present” in the early “Controversy between Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming”,influencing the evolution of Wang Yangming's philosophy in the form of a reference.This not only helps us to grasp the academic pattern of the early “Controversy between Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming”,but also helps us to understand the two-way interaction between classical interpretations and academic trends.

Key words: Ji Ben, Notes of the Great Learning, the Controversy between Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming, classics scholarship
