
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 81-89.

• 文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 浙江师范大学 人文学院,金华 321004
  • 出版日期:2024-05-25 发布日期:2024-07-17
  • 作者简介:高玉,文学博士,浙江师范大学人文学院教授。
  • 基金资助:

The Relationship between Vernacular Chinese and Classical Chinese during the May Fourth Movement Period

GAO Yu   

  1. College of Humanities,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004,China
  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-07-17

摘要: 汉语构成在中国古代是白话与文言并存,文言是主体,白话是补充。五四新文化运动提倡白话,但并不否定文言文,“废除”的不是文言文,而是文言文的主体地位,无论是在理论上,还是在实践上,文言文在当时都不可能被禁止和弃用,也不应该被禁止和弃用。文言与白话在五四时期经历了巨大的地位变化:白话文最初是争合法地位,后来是争主体地位,维持主体地位;文言文最初是保主体地位,后来是争合法地位,保应用上的“一席之地”。五四时期语言“保守派”从来不否认白话文,他们只是反对用白话文取代文言文,“激进派”从来不否定文言文,他们只是提倡在白话文的基础上建立新的“国语”,他们反对的是文言文的汉语主体地位。无论在过去,还是现在,白话与文言都不是互相排斥、“你死我活”的关系,而是主次分明、相辅相成、并存竞争关系。

关键词: 新文学运动, 汉语, 白话, 文言

Abstract: In ancient China,both vernacular Chinese and classical Chinese coexist in the composition of Chinese language,with classical Chinese as its main part and vernacular Chinese as its supplement.The May Fourth New Culture Movement advocates the use of vernacular Chinese,but does not entirely negate classical Chinese.What was “abolished” is not classical Chinese itself,but its dominant status.Whether in theory or in practice,it is neither possible nor advisable to prohibit or abandon classical Chinese at that time.During the May Fourth period,there was a significant shift in the status of vernacular Chinese and classical Chinese.Vernacular Chinese initially sought legal status,then aimed for dominance,and eventually maintained its dominant position,while classical Chinese initially aimed to preserve its dominance,then sought legal status,and retained a “place” in application.The “conservatives” during the May Fourth period never denied the importance of vernacular Chinese,and they simply opposed replacing classical Chinese with vernacular Chinese.On the other hand,the “radicals” never denied the significance of classical Chinese,and they simply advocated establishing a new “national language” based on vernacular Chinese,opposing the dominant status of classical Chinese in the Chinese language.Both in the past and present,vernacular Chinese and classical Chinese are not mutually exclusive,and instead,they complement each other,coexist,and compete with each other within a clear hierarchy.

Key words: the New Literature Movement, Chinese language, vernacular Chinese, classical Chinese
