
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2018, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 17-26.

• 教育论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国科学院自然科学史研究所,北京 100190
  • 出版日期:2018-01-15 发布日期:2019-06-20

An Open Evaluation in Academia Promotes the Scholarly Creativity

LIU Yi-dong   

  1. Institute for the History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
  • Online:2018-01-15 Published:2019-06-20

摘要: 大学者,有大师之谓也;一流学科,有一流学者之谓也。前沿学者就是一流学者和学术带头人,是因作出突破性成果而在学术前沿占有一席之地的学者。在互联网上规范展示他们的突破性成果及突破点四要素即可让他们及时胜出。前沿学者因特征鲜明并辅以开放式评价而使非同行的专家学者及具备较高知识水平的用户也可以评鉴,因此形成真正的学术市场。在学术市场中,前沿学者自立门户、自主创业,拥有自由宽松、平台高阔的工作环境,拥有科研、人事、财务和管理的自主权,成为全球学术研究网络的节点,并且因自己的独特竞争优势而获得研究经费和成果回报,实现工作自由和财务自由。开放式评价和学术市场可以促发学者创造力的大解放,同时也事半功倍地实现科研资源优化配置与高效利用。建设基于学术市场的网络/平台式科教体系与建设“双一流”并重,可以多管齐下,在我国建成世界一流的高等教育体系与科研创新体系。

Abstract: Universities may host the first-class scholars and house the first-class disciplines as well. Of these leading scholars, some are frontier scholars who made breakthrough achievements and are crucially important in their fields. The internet might help to promote their academic accomplishments and thereby established their reputation in the academia. The open online evaluation on frontier scholars is also accessible to experts or scholars in other disciplines which substantialized an open academia. The frontier scholars are generally self-reliant and could start their own businesses in a market economy. They also have a free and relaxed work environment in which they enjoyed an autonomy over hiring, budget and decision making which made them more competitive and well-linked to their peers in a global context. Therefore, it is time that an open internet evaluation for the first-class scholars in the first-class disciplines should be initiated and reinforced so as to promote the scholarly creativity in academia, which will contribute to building a world-class higher education and research system in China with world-class scholars and disciplines.

Key words: frontier scholar, open evaluation, academia, exemplary system based on open evaluation, internet-based science and education system
