Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 5-18.
• Education • Next Articles
LIU Qingchang
Abstract: All behaviors of the educator in the educational scene are bound to have a stronger practical pursuit,even though they may have an intention to lead the educated to the ultimate good life.Its smoothness and completeness cannot be separated from the completion of teaching and discipline tasks as well as the reasonable feelings of the educated;otherwise it will be impossible for the thoughts of wisdom to function.Along with that,the paper starts from the field of educational creation,and find that teachers conduct the following work in the school education:first,dealing with and excavating the knowledge and experience as the educational content;second,allocating time and space as educational resources;third,constructing teaching process as the carrier of teaching activities;fourth,organizing the students’ will as educational objects.From the four categories,the behaviors of “processing”,“mining”,“configuration”,“construction” and “organization” can be extracted;thus,the educational behaviors will no longer be vague,nor the educational wisdom be ineffable.
Key words: educational life, educational creation, educational resources, teaching activities, educational objects
CLC Number:
LIU Qingchang. The Behaviors of Wisdom in the Educational Life[J]. Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences), 2020, 0(3): 5-18.
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