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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 77-83.

• Asthetics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

On the Source and Flow of “Body Image” by Chinese Contemporary Female Artists

WANG Xin   

  1. International Center for Philosophy,BNU,Zhuhai 519087;
    School of Philosophy,Center for Studies of Values and Culture,BNU,Beijing 100875,China
  • Online:2022-05-25 Published:2022-06-08

Abstract: As an important form of works,“body image” largely embodies and represents the artistic practice style of the female artist group. The “self-portraits” created by Chinese contemporary female artists are influenced in a complex fashion by the metaphorical concept of body culture,and their subjectivity and body images are in a state of rupture. The body schema of contemporary Chinese females turns to “self-image”,which establishes the subjectivity of female artists' self-knowledge and autonomy,expounding the interweaving of “self” and “world”. However,female artists are bogged down in paradoxical predicament on the issue of the differences between female individuality and human commonality,which leads to the representational cramps of their body images. How to incorporate heterogeneity into the creation of body images and generate the universal value of image culture is a challenge facing female artists group.

Key words: Chinese female artists, body image, self-portraits, self-image

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