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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 72-80.

• Chinese Ancient History • Previous Articles     Next Articles

On the Concept of “Great Unification” of Territory in the Qing Dynasty

LI Jinfei   

  1. Department of Social and Ecological Civilization Teaching and Research,Party School of the Central Committee of C. P. C/National Academy of Governance,Beijing 100091,China
  • Online:2023-03-25 Published:2023-04-06

Abstract: “Great unification” is a governing concept followed by the successive dynasties since the Qin and Han dynasties,and territorial unity has become an essential element in the concept of “great unification”.The “great unification” concept of territory in Qing Dynasty shows different characteristics from those of previous dynasties.Its core meaning is to reiterate its transcendence of the previous dynasties,and it has three important elements:the vast scale,the virtue of acquisition and the clarity of the entity.Its value function consists in the dilution of the traditional concept of “Yi Di (different races from the Hua nationality)” in the frontier,and reconstruction of the new concept of “four Yi”,so as to realize the integration of ethnic groups,and objectively deconstruct the thousand-year-old mindset of “the differentiation between Hua and Yi”.The fundamental purpose of the “great unification” in the Qin Dynasty is to serve the “orthodox” legitimacy of the Qin Dynasty.As result of this,the Qing Dynasty established the sole evaluation system that could be regarded as “orthodoxy” according to its territory,and realized the unity of “great unification” and “orthodoxy”.

Key words: the Qing Dynasty, territory, “great unification”, “the differentiation between Hua and Yi”, orthodoxy

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