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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 49-58.

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The Origin,Core Meaning and Contemporary Enlightenment of YUAN Dunli's Thoughts on Physical Education

WANG Qi   

  1. School of Physical Education and Sports, BNU, Beijing 100875, China
  • Online:2023-07-25 Published:2023-08-28

Abstract: Mr.YUAN Dunli, the pioneer of physical education in Beijing Normal University, is one of the main founders of modern physical education in China.Using a Chinese-style localized language with physical education characteristics, he explained the theory and the practice value of physical education in our country in the modern times, and made extraordinary contributions to our physical education.First, he proposed for the first time that the relationship between physical education and education should be unified and inseparable, and advocated the concept of “health first and education first” as the core goal of physical education.Second, he advocated that the all-round development of people should be the development of body and mind, promoted the advantages of naturalistic sports activities, and encouraged the integration of sports and education.At the present stage, it is of important enlightenment to explore YUAN Dunli's thoughts on physical education for promoting the high-quality development of Chinese physical education in the new era.

Key words: YUAN Dunli, school physical education, the thoughts of physical education, ideological enlightenment

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