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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 29-39.

• A New Model for Human Progress • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Current Tasks and Realization Paths of the Modernization of Chinese-style Social Security

YU Shaoxiang   

  1. School of Government,University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 102488,China
  • Online:2024-11-25 Published:2025-01-02

Abstract: The current tasks of the modernization of Chinese social security consist in raising the level of overall planning and benefits,strengthening the supervision of social security funds,innovating the social security system and mechanism,developing a multi-level and multi-pillar old-age insurance system,and improving the social assistance system.The realization of those tasks lie in the following paths:improving the national system for coordinating basic old-age insurance,promoting the overall planning of basic medical insurance at the provincial level,and bettering the reasonable adjustment mechanism of social security benefits;completing the system for maintaining and increasing the value of social security fund and for monitoring their safety,and perfecting the mechanism for raising funds for basic old-age insurance and basic medical insurance;expanding the coverage of social security,refining the policies on social security transfer and serious illness insurance,and accelerating the establishment of a long-term care-insurance system;expanding the coverage of the annuity system,promoting the personal pension system,and giving play to the role of commercial insurance as a supplementary guarantee;reforming the assistance management system,and improving the medical assistance system and the assistance system for special groups.

Key words: Chinese-style modernization, social security, current tasks, realization paths

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