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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 36-48.

• Psychology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Complex Problem Solving:Conceptualization,influential factors and training strategies

LI Yiming1, LI Jian2   

  1. 1. School of Elementary Education,Beijing Institute of Education,Beijing 100011;
    2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology,Faculty of Psychology,BNU,Beijing 100875,China
  • Received:2020-04-10 Online:2020-09-25 Published:2020-12-02

Abstract: Complex problem solving (CPS)refers to efficient interaction between an individual and a dynamic task.With an increase of non-routine work in modern society,CPS competency has become one of the core abilities required by the future world.Based on the two-dimensional construct of CPS including knowledge acquisition and knowledge application,researchers have developed Computer Simulated Microworlds and Multiple Complex Systems to measure CPS of an individual.Extant studies have revealed that some factors contribute a lot to CPS,including cognitive ability,knowledge,metacognitive ability,motivation,and emotion.Training in CPS should aim at the development of these cognitive and non-cognitive abilities,and provide students with general problem situations for gaining and applying general problem-solving knowledge.Teachers should acquire more theoretical knowledge and skills for CPS-based teaching and design teaching activities to solve real-life problems.Meanwhile,the development of CPS ability also deserves more attention to the role of non-cognitive factors.Based on the needs of training practice,researchers should examine the construct of CPS,improve its measures,and attach more importance to intervention in future studies.

Key words: complex problem solving (CPS), cognitive ability, metacognitive ability, motivation, emotion

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