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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 86-93.

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Complementary Interpretation to Zhoujin Ying:Ritual issue of Yi Pan in the chapter “Shi Sang Li” of Yi Li

CHAO Fulin   

  1. School of History,BNU,Beijing 100875,China
  • Received:2020-03-21 Online:2020-09-25 Published:2020-12-02

Abstract: The newly published Bronzes Zhoujin Pan and Zhoujin Ying are considered as a set of funeral vessels with the same inscriptions and their explanations should be further discussed.“丧厥胡考,不敢视厥身” (Sàng jué hú kǎo,bù gǎn shì jué shēn) in the inscription is difficult to understand,and its meaning could be speculated as “Zhoujin didn’t dare to look at his passed father's body” according to some supporting materials.Connected with the record in the chapter entitled with “Shi Sang Li” (the Funeral Ritual of Shi) of Yi Li,it can be speculated that Zhoujin Pan was the Yi Pan,used in the funeral as the vessel to store corpse bathwater as well as to contain ice to keep it from decay.This connection is noticeable for a better understanding of the ritual issue of Yi Pan in the chapter “Shi Sang Li”.

Key words: Zhoujin Pan, Zhoujin Ying, Yi Pan, “Shi Sang Li” (the Funeral Ritual of Shi)

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