Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 17-24.
• Education • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Dongjiao
Abstract: ContemporaryCollege management is facing four types of pressures:the mission pressure to ensure the inheritance of species and civilization,the social pressure to meet higher and faster output requirement driven by the growing education funding,the public pressure from the increasing demand for as well as blaming of lacking of good colleges,and the present pressure of the colleges management itself in the educator's life.Where will the contemporaryCollege management lead to?How should it respond actively and accurately to the requirements of the times?What organizational skills should be embedded in the goodcolleges management?This research adopts the pluralistic theory paradigm of modern management science,structuralism research paradigm and its deduction method,sets the goal as a starting point for deductive reasoning from value to fact,from general to specific as well as from purpose to means,and elaborates the management trend converging scientism,humanism and aestheticism.Contemporary College management should respond to the demands of the times by choosing the value orientation of being normative,democratic,scientific,efficient and aesthetic,so as to achieve management goals of encouraging kindness,strengthening morality education and establishing value-driven colleges,four methods including participatory decision-making,data justification,integration of professional strength and result visualization should be adopted to esteablish a high-quality colleges community.It is the responsibility of the whole society to select and support good colleges principals,which provides the basis for achieving long-term security and prosperity of the nation.
Key words: College management, value-driven colleges, participatory decision-making, the driving of data justification, the integration of professional strength, result visualization
CLC Number:
ZHANG Dongjiao. The Purpose,Orientation and Means of Contemporary College Management[J]. Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences), 2020, 0(4): 17-24.
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