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25 July 2020, Volume 0 Issue 4
    The Contributions of Education to Economic Growth:The evolution of theory and method and its enlightenment
    DU Yuhong, ZHAO Ran
    2020, 0(4):  5-16. 
    Abstract ( 1656 )   PDF (2029KB) ( 656 )  
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    The relationship between education and economic growth is a classic issue in the study of educational economics,but there is no consensus on how did the education contribute to economic growth nor on how to measure its contribution.As China is a dual economy featured with late-evolution and catching-up,it is difficult to explain the forty-year development of China with some certain theory of Western economics.To explore the relationship between education and economic growth requires a unified theoretical framework.By examining the neoclassical growth theory,the new economic growth theory,technology diffusion theory and Walt Whitman Rostow's and CAI Fang's economic development stage theories,this paper seeks for the internal logic of various theories and methods and their problems.By combining with the developing characteristics of China over the forty years of reform and opening-up,the paper analyzes the effecting mechanism of education on economic growth,and attempts to propose a framework for measuring the contributions of education to economic growth in line with the reality of China's economic and social developments.On the one hand,the analysis on the growth factors by phases,industries and sectors on the basis of the effecting mechanism of education reveals the contributions of education in improving the quality of labor force in the production process,increasing the entire social human capital and knowledge level,strengthening the technological innovation and the absorption of technology and promoting capital accumulation.On the other hand,the contribution of China's education to economic growth at various stages could be calculated by industries and sectors by the weighted method according to Theodore William Schultz's theory on investment and benefit.In addition,whether the selected educational indicators can substantially capture the educational characteristics of various development stages is also an important issue in measuring the contributions.The choice of human capital indicators should reflect the changes in the market's demand for different capabilities and skills in different periods.
    The Purpose,Orientation and Means of Contemporary College Management
    ZHANG Dongjiao
    2020, 0(4):  17-24. 
    Abstract ( 738 )   PDF (1251KB) ( 430 )  
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    ContemporaryCollege management is facing four types of pressures:the mission pressure to ensure the inheritance of species and civilization,the social pressure to meet higher and faster output requirement driven by the growing education funding,the public pressure from the increasing demand for as well as blaming of lacking of good colleges,and the present pressure of the colleges management itself in the educator's life.Where will the contemporaryCollege management lead to?How should it respond actively and accurately to the requirements of the times?What organizational skills should be embedded in the goodcolleges management?This research adopts the pluralistic theory paradigm of modern management science,structuralism research paradigm and its deduction method,sets the goal as a starting point for deductive reasoning from value to fact,from general to specific as well as from purpose to means,and elaborates the management trend converging scientism,humanism and aestheticism.Contemporary College management should respond to the demands of the times by choosing the value orientation of being normative,democratic,scientific,efficient and aesthetic,so as to achieve management goals of encouraging kindness,strengthening morality education and establishing value-driven colleges,four methods including participatory decision-making,data justification,integration of professional strength and result visualization should be adopted to esteablish a high-quality colleges community.It is the responsibility of the whole society to select and support good colleges principals,which provides the basis for achieving long-term security and prosperity of the nation.
    Historical Evolution and Innovative Development of the Push-Pull Theory from the Perspective of Students' International Mobility
    AN Yalun, DUAN Shifei
    2020, 0(4):  25-35. 
    Abstract ( 1585 )   PDF (1944KB) ( 891 )  
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    The Push-Pull theory is a theoretical framework widely accepted and applied in analyzing the factors affecting students' international mobility.Foreign researchers occupy a dominant position in this research field,and generally adopt empirical research methods,but they tend to ignor the pull factors in developing countries,the pushing factors in developed countries,and the subjective factors affecting student mobility.Chinese scholars follow the analysis model of eight pushing and seven pulling factors put forward by Philip G.Altbach,pay more attention to the individual factors of students,explore the nature of students' mobility and the relationship between internal and external factors,and propose an analysis model of the interaction of internal and external factors,meanwhile,they focus more on qualitative analysis,and notice the overlap between internal and external factors.The article proposes an analysis model covering subjective and objective factors from four subjects and five dimensions and get the results listed as follows:the pulling factor of the students' exporting country and the pushing factor of the receiving country deserve more attention;the objective driving factors determine the students' mobility only by interacting with the subjective factors;careful division of the factors that affect students' international mobility is beneficial to solve the problem of factor overlapping.
    Different Environmental Sensitivity of Children:Developmental theory and empirical evidence
    WANG Zhenhong, WANG Xiaoxiao, LI Caina
    2020, 0(4):  36-47. 
    Abstract ( 1488 )   PDF (1573KB) ( 808 )  
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    How individual factors such as heredity interact with environmental factors to influence child development is always the core issue of developmental psychology.Researchers have put forward numerous theoretical models about it supported by empirical research,mainly including Diathesis-Stress,Differential Susceptibility,Vantage Sensitivity,Biological Sensitivity to Context,Sensory Processing Sensitivity,and Environmental Sensitivity Model.Although different concepts are employed in different models to illustrate how environmental factors interact with individual factors to impact child development,all of these theoretical models posit that children are different in environmental sensitivity.Some children are highly sensitive and others are low sensitive to environmental influence.Due to children's different environmental sensitivity,they are influenced by environments differentially.Furthermore,children with different environmental sensitivity in the interaction with highly differentiated environments could lead to various development outcomes.
    The Discrepancies in Parent-Child Perceptions of Parenting:Assessment,source and effects
    YIN Jinxiu, LIN Xiuyun, TANG Yingying, ZHANG Haiqin, LI Xiaoli
    2020, 0(4):  48-59. 
    Abstract ( 1258 )   PDF (1604KB) ( 714 )  
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    Parents and children are frequently found to report differently in their perceptions of parenting,and parents' perception is generally more positive than children's,which is due to that parents and children attribute to different reasons after noticing different details of the same parenting behavior,and their perceptions are affected by factors in individual level such as gender and age,in dyadic level such as communication and attachment,and in entire level such as family structure,function and background.To assess the discrepancies in parent-child perceptions of parenting,three kinds of methods are introduced,including analyzing divergence patterns,calculating discrepancy scores,and taking both into account.Based on the update assessment,researchers explored the influence of these discrepancies on children's autonomous development,emotional and behavioral problems,social adaptation,academic achievement and so on.
    Peer Victimization and Adolescent Aggressive Behavior:A moderated mediation model
    WANG Jianping, YU Chengfu, ZHEN Shuangju, ZENG Shuqian
    2020, 0(4):  60-69. 
    Abstract ( 1047 )   PDF (1173KB) ( 882 )  
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    Although researches have indicated that peer victimization is a crucial risk predictor for adolescent aggressive behavior, the mediating and moderating mechanisms underlying this relationship remain unclear. Based on the anonymous responses to the questionnaires by a total of 1347 junior middle school students, this study examined whether psychological needs satisfaction mediated the relationship between peer victimization and adolescent aggressive behavior, and whether this mediating process was moderated by intentional self-regulation. The results showed that: (1) after controlling gender, age, family average monthly income, parent-adolescent relationship and sensation seeking, psychological needs satisfaction significantly mediated the relationships between peer victimization, adolescent physical aggression and relational aggression; (2) this indirect effect “peer victimization → psychological needs satisfaction → adolescent verbal, physical, and relational aggression” was moderated by intentional self-regulation. Specifically, peer victimization will reduce psychological needs satisfaction of adolescents with high-level intentional self-regulation, which in turn increased their verbal, physical, and relational aggression. However, these indirect links were nonsignificant for adolescents with low-level intentional self-regulation.
    From Idea Expression to Personality Manifestation:The history of modern Chinese stylistic conception and the phased demand of modern literature
    YAO Aibin
    2020, 0(4):  70-88. 
    Abstract ( 878 )   PDF (3591KB) ( 691 )  
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    The concept of Wenti, which refers to the “literary entity” in ancient Chinese, has experienced semantic transformation twice, whose meaning has transformed from “literary entity” to the symbol of linguistic form in the context of Japanese culture since the 17th century. From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the views of stylistics from, taking “language form” as its essential connotation, was introduced to China. Such introduction conformed the overall cultural current of the reform movement of modern Chinese literature, which also targeted at language revolution. Dually influenced by the views of stylistics from Japan and the concept of western genology and stylistics, modern Chinese academia interpreted Wenti, referring to genre based on the tradition, as the general form of literary works. Meanwhile, they kept translating “style” to Wenti in order to express relative language forms of thoughts and emotions in an article. Compared to western view of “style” , referring to the language forms with different characteristics, the multistaged realization of the connotation of literary style intensively mirrored various demand of the different developing stages of modern Chinese literature. At the initial stage of vernacular development, the focus of the basic emotional function of literary style highlighted the connotation of “language forms”; within the maturity of modern literature, the demand of expressing the author's personality emerged beyond the foundation of emotional expression. Thereforth, the author's personality expressed through the form of language consist the other connotation of literary style, which started to catch conscious attention of authors and critics. Only by knowing such transformation of modern Chinese stylistic conception can we pave a brand new way for the research on the history of modern Chinese literature.
    Narrative and the Production of Auditory Space
    FU Xiuyan
    2020, 0(4):  89-98. 
    Abstract ( 769 )   PDF (3742KB) ( 547 )  
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    One of the major marks of the progress of human society is the development from the production of things in space to the production of space itself.Oral narrative uses sound to cover a certain range of space,and physical space,such as theater,cinema and concert hall,accommodates various narrative communication.Drama was the most popular form of mass communication in pre-industrial age,and the performance required a “sound wall” around the theatre to keep people focused.Comment and discussion were both significant ways of narrative consumption,and the communication place was regarded as a social platform by some consumers who paid more attention to “being seen”.In present times,the commentary subtitles(danmaku)pop up on the computer screen from time to time to make consumers have the feeling of chatting with people while watching,and “chatting” in WeChat group also belongs to the interaction in the virtual space.Surround stereo in the cinema wraps the audience and the screen world into a unified auditory space,blurring or even eliminating the boundary between them.Roland Barthes claims that the fictional world is similar to café and stereophonic sounds,and Mikhail Bakhtin says that Fyodor Dostoyevsky's polyphonic novels center on the dialogue of various sounds and ancient Chinese novels strive to capture the reader's attention with the sense of being present on the storytelling scene.Narrative has been a kind of act of producing auditory space from the very beginning.Nowadays,people adopt more and more abundant narrative means,but they still haven't got rid of the imitation of auditory communication in essence.
    How to Get It Wrong:Historiography,normativity and the Holocaust debate
    Jouni-Matti KUUKKANEN, translated by RAN Bowen, proofread by DONG Lihe
    2020, 0(4):  99-106. 
    Abstract ( 663 )   PDF (1348KB) ( 668 )  
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    This paper is based on a specific pragmatist account of language and knowledge:inferentialism.The suggestion is that historiographic knowledge is claiming correctly.The paper discusses the kinds of challenges that inferentialism poses for empiricism.Its main focus is on the rules of claiming correctly and incorrectly,as stipulated by the community of historians.This is done with the help of a case study dealing with the trial of David Irving and his scholarship,which exposes a number of errors that historians should avoid,if they are to make warranted claims about the past.
    Review and Re-examination of the Authorship of the Preface to Yi Jing:From the textual research by BAI Shouyi
    LIU Junbo
    2020, 0(4):  107-118. 
    Abstract ( 887 )   PDF (1867KB) ( 594 )  
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    In two popular versions of the Book of Changes:Zhouyibenyi(Annotation on the Book of Changes by ZHU Xi)and Zhouyichengshizhuan(Annotation on the Book of Changes by CHENG Yi),there is an anonymous preface of the same text,also collected in the Erchengji(A Collection by CHENG Hao and CHENG Yi).So it raises two questions that who wrote that preface and why it was compiled in different books.Based on textual research,BAI Shouyi pointed out that its author is neither CHENG Yi nor ZHU Xi,and investigated the reason why it was placed in the preface of Zhouyichengshizhuan and Zhouyibenyi through examining the literature circulation.Later researchers ignored BAI Shouyi's discovery and found an article of almost the same text in Fuzhiji(A Collection by ZHOU Xingji),which is ZHOU Xingji's personal article collection,so most of the later studies focused on the relationship between this preface and CHENG Yi or ZHOU Xingji,and did not explore the reasons why it appeared in Zhouyichengshizhuan and Zhouyibenyi.Reviewing the researches of BAI Shouyi and other researchers,this paper believes that only by solving the two questions,that is,who wrote this preface and why it was compiled in Zhouyichengshizhuan,Zhouyibenyi and Erchegnji,will there be a comprehensive and complete analysis to the authorship.Examination on the whole process of this preface being wrongly signed,incorrectly collected and mistakenly placed can provide a sound foundation to prove the author of this article is ZHOU Xingji rather than CHENG Yi or ZHU Xi.In addition,the textual research method examined in this research also shows the importance of literature investigation in the study of ideological history.
    The Sentiment of Moral Philosophy in Confucian Philosophy of Mind
    YAN Hui
    2020, 0(4):  119-132. 
    Abstract ( 865 )   PDF (2135KB) ( 646 )  
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    Based on an accurate comprehension of Daxue(The Great Learning) and Zhongyong(The Doctrine of the Mean),it is implied that an accurate comprehension of the moral and philosophical sentiment in Confucian philosophy of mind plays a fundamental role in realizing the modern transformation of traditional ethics in a creative way.The primary issue is whether Confucianism has the basic elements of philosophy of mind,and how Confucianists use these elements to develop their logic of thought.If the moral and philosophical sentiment of Confucian based on its philosophy of mind is regarded as the virtue people actually possess,and the normative system,according to which people practice in reality,then the internal logical relationship between should-nature and reality-nature will be constructed,and people will deal with all kinds of practical relations in the light of the mode of thinking and action of subject virtue.In fact,the Chinese moral structure is the situational ethics or virtue ethics.From the perspective of typology,Confucian philosophy of mind belongs to the theory of virtue,but it is enormously different from Aristotle's and Kant's theories of virtue,and the source of the difference must be sought from the context or field domain.It is not clear how many elements of moral sentiment in Confucian philosophy of mind can be possessed by people of present times,nor how to possess.In realizing the modern transformation of traditional ethics,a total rejection or overall acceptance is undesirable attitudes and methods.“Excess” and “insufficiency” are the attitudes to be abandoned,and “moderation” is the principle for people to adhere to.
    A Comparative Study on Relational Ontology:Confucian “Ren” and western care ethics
    ZHAO Ning
    2020, 0(4):  133-142. 
    Abstract ( 1042 )   PDF (1392KB) ( 513 )  
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    The concept of “relational ontology” is used by care ethicists to explain the moral ground of care, but this concept does not refer to a strict philosophical commitment of the ontology. It refers to a social psychological perspective on the importance of relationships. The phenomenon description of the caring relationship cannot directly deduce the universal “ought” of morality,which lacks the key step of philosophical reflection.Therefore,there is still a gap between “is” and “ought” within care ethics.Previous comparative studies on Confucian “Ren” and “care” mostly start from the dimension of the “Yong” of “Ren”,which ignores the difference of their moral ontology.The ontology of Confucian “Ren” is essentially a relation-based ontology,but it is featured by the “integration of Ti and Yong”,which indicates the oneness of “is” and “ought”.It is embodied in its two-layer relational ontology framework:the Pre-Qin Confucians also take the emotional relationship with “Xiao Ti” in the family relation as the foundation of “Ren”.This is similar to that the care ethicists value the caring relationship in the natural family field.However,the Confucian “Xiao Ti” as the core of the “Qin Qin” relationship already contains the ethical “ought”;secondly,after the Song Dynasty(960 A.D.-1297 A.D.),the Neo-Confucians emphasize more on the relationship of “the oneness of everything” as the cosmological origin of “Ren”,explaining how the ethical care based on family relationship can be extended to all beings in the universe.The two-level relational ontology of “Ren” in Confucianism is of enlightening significance to overcome the gap between “is” and “ought” in care ethics.
    Cooperative Game Model for the Balance of Interestsand its Application in Social Order Stability in China
    SHI Xuehua, CAI Yihe
    2020, 0(4):  143-150. 
    Abstract ( 943 )   PDF (1213KB) ( 634 )  
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    The balance of interests is the internal driving force for the harmonious operation of the society and the important guarantee for social order stability.There are three inherent requirements of the balance of interests:clear orientation,standardized behavior and achievement sharing.In view of a series of interest conflicts in present China,the coordinated and balanced development of interests between participants is an important means and method to solve this problem and realize social order stability.This paper tries to analyze the interaction mechanism of values and behaviors among subjects in social order stability from the basic principle of cooperative game model,and points out that the cooperative partnership among social subjects is an important basis for the realization of the balance of interests,and the promotion of participatory democratic governance is an important platform to realize it,so as to achieve win-win cooperation rather than competition and loss among interest subjects.As incentive effect is one of the most significant functions of interests,how to coordinate the interest game among social subjects in current China deserves more consideration.Policies are suggested to strengthen the government's capability to provide and coordinate public services and promote a balanced distribution of social interests;regulate the power of the government and promote the positive interaction among the state,market and society proceeding from the vital interests of the citizens;improve the ability to express and obtain the interests of vulnerable groups,and build a fair and balanced interest game platform,so as to promote the deepening of reform and achieve the stability of social order.
    Strengthening the Research on Public Opinions from the View of Citizen Participation:Based on the needs of modern governance
    HE Chunlan
    2020, 0(4):  151-157. 
    Abstract ( 663 )   PDF (1055KB) ( 418 )  
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    Since the beginning of the 21st century,online public opinions have become an unignorable force in social governance in China.Its motivations can be listed as follows:on the technical level,the use of new media in the internet environment has brought convenience in the citizen participation in the public opinions;on the economic level,the structural differentiation of China's social interests brought about by the reform and opening-up has triggered strong demand for citizen participation itself;the advancement of political civilization construction and governance modernization have opened up space for the Chinese citizens' participation in public opinions.With the increasing active citizen participation in online public opinions,related researches are also being increased in number,but most confined to the negative public opinion events,rather than systematic theoretical construction based on the needs of governance practice and perspective.In particular,there is a lack of analysis on the level of citizen participation and governance optimization based on the expression of citizen interests.As a result,many important issues are ignored,and the practical value of promoting the guidance of public opinions and the optimization of governance practice is also weakened.Furthermore,the governance errors that triggered the crisis of public opinions in practice have occurred repeatedly,resulting in a decline in the credibility of the government and even a negative influence on social harmony and stability.For the present research on online public opinions in China,it is of urgent need to attach importance to the practice process of promoting modernization of governance,and strengthen the research perspective of citizen participation.Meanwhile,we will continue to deepen the theoretical research and practice of governance modernization by taking the researches on the citizen participation in the public opinions as a breakthrough point.