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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 47-57.

• Literature • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Neutrals in the Debate between Classical Chinese and Vernacular during the May Forth Movement

WANG Zelong, ZHOU Wenjie   

  1. School of Chinese Language and Literature,Poetry Research Center,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China
  • Published:2021-02-07

Abstract: The debate between classical Chinese and vernacular not only reflects the confrontation concerning old and new ideas of literary revolution,it is also the most crucial content of May Forth Literature Movement.Besides the conservatives and radicals,there exists the neutrals.Different from the conservatives who represent a classical Chinese-centered standpoint that favors improving vernacular literature through classical Chinese,they in general take a more moderate view on classical Chinese without ignoring its advantages,which is also distinct from appeals of the radicals in the debate.According to their attitudes towards classical Chinese and vernacular,together with corresponding changes,the neutrals fall into two sub-groups:gradualists and reformists.The former's attitude towards vernacular changes from doubt,partial recognition to active participation as vernacular writers.At last,they fully appreciate the value of vernacular while opposing total abandoning of classical Chinese.The latter,although keeping defending for vernacular,is not unaware of various problems in it at that time.Therefore,they think improvements on vernacular is necessary and suggest integrating advantages of classical Chinese.

Key words: May Forth Movement, vernacular Chinese, classical Chinese, gradualists, reformists

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