
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 90-103.

• 环境史研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 清华大学 历史系,北京 100084
  • 出版日期:2021-11-25 发布日期:2022-02-24
  • 作者简介:梅雪芹,历史学博士,清华大学历史系教授。
  • 基金资助:

On the Country Preservation by Trevelyan a British Historian in the 20th Century and Its Significance

MEI Xueqin   

  1. Department of History,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
  • Online:2021-11-25 Published:2022-02-24

摘要: 屈威廉生活在19世纪末到20世纪60年代,见证了英国城市化和传统社会结构被削弱的现实。他对乡村保护的必要性有着系统的思考认知,这集中体现在他于1929年提出“我们为什么应该拯救英格兰?”这一问题和对它的解答中。在他看来,拯救英格兰意味着至少要保留它的一些自然美景,“但这不只是甚至主要不是关乎钱的事情,而是关系到全体人民的幸福和心灵健康的大问题”,也是为了“培养国民的历史意识”并传承英国的历史和文化。出于对自然美景重要意义的认知以及对自然美景丧失后果的担忧,屈威廉在有生之年积极投身乡村保护事业,在国民信托基金会的相关事务中发挥了重要作用。屈威廉及其同时代人以公众和未来为旨归,从“现代发展的冷酷犁头”下挽救了许许多多的自然美景和名胜古迹,由此反映了其所属的贵族阶层在现代社会角色的变化以及英国乡村自然美景在城市化时代作用的转型。屈威廉在投身乡村保护的过程中,对于自然本身及其与人类关系的认知有一种从人类中心视角向生态整体认知的推进。屈威廉的乡村保护事业在英国环境史上留下了重要的一页,在强调可持续发展的当代具有世界性意义。

关键词: 屈威廉, 乡村保护, 自然美景, 湖区, 国民信托基金会

Abstract: Trevelyan,living from the end of the 19th century to the 1960s,witnessed the urbanization and the weakening of traditional social structures in Britain.He has a systematic thinking about the necessity of country preservation,and it is embodied in his explanation to the question he raised in 1929:“WHY SHOULD WE SAVE ENGLAND?” From his perspective,saving England means preserving some,at least,of its natural beauty.“But it is not merely,it is not even chiefly,a matter of money.The happiness and the soul's health of the whole people are at stake.” Its motive is also “to cultivate in English people the historic sense” and to inherit English history and culture.Trevelyan spent his lifetime actively engaging in country preservation and played an important role in the affairs of the National Trust because of both his consciousness of the importance of natural beauty and concern about the consequences of its loss.Trevelyan and his contemporaries,aiming at the public and the future,saved many natural beauty spots and historic interests from the “cold plow of modern development”,which reflected the change of the role of the aristocracy to which he belonged in the modern society and the transformation of the role of the natural beauty of the British countryside in the era of urbanization.Trevelyan's cognition of nature itself and its relationship with human beings had been promoted from human-centered perspective to ecological holistic cognition during the process of devoting himself to country preservation.Trevelyan's career of country preservation constitutes an important page in British environmental history and is of worldwide significance in the modern era when sustainable development is emphasized.

Key words: George Macaulay Trevelyan, country preservation, natural beauty, the Lake District, National Trust
