
北京师范大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 127-138.

• 公共治理研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


朱光磊, 裴新伟   

  1. 南开大学 中国政府发展联合研究中心、周恩来政府管理学院,天津 300350
  • 出版日期:2021-11-25 发布日期:2022-02-24
  • 作者简介:朱光磊,南开大学中国政府发展联合研究中心讲席教授。
  • 基金资助:

The Scale of Chinese Farmers:Different Judgments,Cognitive Misunderstandings and Governance Optimization

ZHU Guanglei, PEI Xinwei   

  1. The United Research Center of Chinese Government Development,Zhou Enlai School of Government,Nankai University,Tianjin 300350,China
  • Online:2021-11-25 Published:2022-02-24

摘要: 厘清“中国究竟有多少农民”这个问题,是准确认识国情,特别是精准把握农村社会成员构成,合理制定乡村振兴规划,推进中国社会治理结构转型的基础。职业、地域和户籍是分析中国“农民”规模问题的三个有效角度。长期以来,社会各界在分析这个问题时,划分标准比较混乱,“八亿农民”、“九亿农民”的说法长期被使用,并由此伴生了过度解读“寒门再难出贵子”、“阶层固化”、“农村人口空心化”现象等认知误区。因此,有必要以农业劳动者圈、农村人口圈和农村户籍人口圈构成的“三圈结构”为依托,在把握不同含义“农民”确切规模的基础上,理性认识一系列正在发生的规律性变化,进而通过扩大农村人口转移的城市入口,巩固农村人口转移的乡村制度基础,进一步破除二元社会结构等途径,促进农村人口的稳妥转移和农业转移人口的市民化,逐步缩小“三圈结构”的差异,以此消除社会各界的认知误区,有利于中国社会和谐包容发展和中国城乡治理结构的转型优化。

关键词: “三圈结构”, 农业劳动者, 农村人口, 农村户籍人口, 城乡治理

Abstract: To clarify the question of “how many farmers are there in China” is the basis for a deep understanding of China's national conditions,especially the composition of rural society,and benefits for a reasonable construction of rural revitalization plans.There are three effective angles to analyze the scale of Chinese farmers,including the occupation,the area and the household registration.However,the criteria of classifying “farmers'” has been relatively chaotic for a long time.The statements of “800 million farmers” and “900 million farmers” have been misused for a long time,which is accompanied by over-interpretation of the phenomenon of “difficulty for impoverished families to cultivate outstanding children”,“class solidification” and “hollowing out of rural population”.In accordance with the “three-circle structure” composed of the agricultural laborers,the rural population and the rural household registered population,it is necessary to shape the scientific judgment about the exact scale of “farmers” with different meanings,and to understand a series of regular changes.Furthermore,by further expanding the urban entrance of rural population transfer,the government should take measures to consolidate the rural institution foundation of population transfer,and further break the dual social structure,in order to promote the steady transfer of rural population and the urbanization of agricultural transfer population,to gradually reduce the differences of “three-circle structure”,and to eliminate the misunderstandings about farmers and its scale.In the future,it would be beneficial to the social harmony as well as the transformation and optimization of China's urban and rural governance structure.

Key words: “three-circle structure”, agricultural laborers, rural population, rural household registered population, urban and rural governance
