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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 36-47.

• Psychology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Different Environmental Sensitivity of Children:Developmental theory and empirical evidence

WANG Zhenhong, WANG Xiaoxiao, LI Caina   

  1. School of Psychology,Shaanxi Normal University;Shaanxi Provincial Key Research Center of Child Mental and Behavioral Health,Xi'an 710062,China
  • Received:2019-12-02 Published:2020-12-10

Abstract: How individual factors such as heredity interact with environmental factors to influence child development is always the core issue of developmental psychology.Researchers have put forward numerous theoretical models about it supported by empirical research,mainly including Diathesis-Stress,Differential Susceptibility,Vantage Sensitivity,Biological Sensitivity to Context,Sensory Processing Sensitivity,and Environmental Sensitivity Model.Although different concepts are employed in different models to illustrate how environmental factors interact with individual factors to impact child development,all of these theoretical models posit that children are different in environmental sensitivity.Some children are highly sensitive and others are low sensitive to environmental influence.Due to children's different environmental sensitivity,they are influenced by environments differentially.Furthermore,children with different environmental sensitivity in the interaction with highly differentiated environments could lead to various development outcomes.

Key words: child development, individual-environment interaction, environmental sensitivity

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