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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 5-12.

• Education •     Next Articles

The Intrinsic Logic and Time Value of Comparative Education:Re-discussion on some controversial issues

ZANG Lingling1,2, LIU aocun1   

  1. 1. Faculty of Education,BNU,Beijing 100875;
    2. School of Education,Henan University,Kaifeng 475004 ,China
  • Received:2020-04-05 Online:2020-09-25 Published:2020-12-02

Abstract: Since the reform and opening- up, comparative education has been facing controversies in the process of develop-ment,which focuses on its disciplinary nature, research purpose,research method , and disciplinary value. Therefore,it is im-portant to explore its intrinsic logic and value in the new era based on the re discussion of some controversial issues. Conclu-sions can be obtained via factual analysis and theoretical inquiry on these issues : comparative education is an uprising disci-pline of great potential; experience reference and rule exploration, which are complementary to each other serving as aims and conditions ,are the emphasis at different developing stages of the discipline; comparative education has formed a diversified research method system by the researchers' efforts since the discipline was established; in the globalization, comparative edu-cation wins new opportunities for further advancement rather than lose its disciplinary value.

Key words: com parative education, disciplinary nature, research purpose, research method, disciplinary value

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