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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 101-108.

• Philosophy • Previous Articles     Next Articles

On the Naturality of Tao and Its Essential Properties

YANG Maoming   

  1. Philosophy Department,School of Humanities,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518000,China
  • Published:2021-02-07

Abstract: As the basic paradigm of Chinese traditional philosophy to understand the world,Tao is the abstract concept of naturality formed by the combination of perceptual imagination and abstract regulations,as the notion of entity with its purposeless naturality as its fundamental essence,the abstract “way” of naturality.The naturality of Tao refers to the perceptual entity when Tao generated all things as natural existence,Tao's separate externality for the artifacts generated by it and the worldly transcendence when Tao guides people to the value pursuit of realizing the harmony of Tao and body.It is demonstrated in two aspects:the perceptual limitations as the “root” of creating all things and the abstract distinctiveness as a “means”,and is of great significance for the interpretation of the essence of Tao and the application of its methodology.It is this very naturality of Tao that prevents the Oriental concept of Tao from being abstracted into the metaphysical entity category of “Universal Reason” in the Western philosophy,which makes the abstract “sense rule” of Tao different from “universal laws”.The naturality of Tao contains three intrinsic properties:perceptual entity,separate externality and worldly transcendence.Although it has such limitations as relatively neglecting the common nature and its regularity,the blind practice of dialectics and the like,yet it contains and contributes to Chinese people's reasonable yet realistic self-realization in their fair treatment of nature,seeking truth out of some particular events,valuing relationship and life,and seeking the unity of man and nature,which dissolves and overcomes man's rational pretense and will transgression.

Key words: naturality of Tao, perceptual entity, separate externality, worldly transcendence

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