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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 132-144.

• Economics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Has Manufacturing Agglomeration Promoted the Efficiency of China's Green Economy?

ZHANG Pingdan, TU Xiwei   

  1. Business School,BNU,Beijing 100875,China
  • Published:2021-02-07

Abstract: Manufacturing agglomeration is one of typical characteristics which boost the fast development of Chinese economy.Whether the agglomeration of China's manufacturing industry can promote the efficiency of green economy is critical to China's high-quality development.Based on the panel data of Chinese cities from 2004 to 2016,the SBM directional distance function is utilized to measure the efficiency of green economic and decompose it into green technological progress and green technological efficiency,so as to construct a tool variable of time and space to accurately identify the causal effect of manufacturing agglomeration on green economic efficiency and its decomposition.On this basis,combined with the dynamic spatial measurement model,the time effect,space effect,along with time and space lag effect of manufacturing agglomeration on the efficiency of green economy are discussed.The research results show that:①Manufacturing agglomeration can promote green economic efficiency,of which green technological progress is the main way.②According to the regression result of panel threshold model,in areas with high population density and large proportion of secondary industry,manufacturing agglomeration is able to exert an impact on green economic efficiency.③According to the regression result of spatial lag model,there is a spatial spillover effect between green economic efficiency and green technological progress in terms of space as well as a dynamic adjustment mechanism for both in terms of time.Green economic efficiency has a time-space lag effect in time and space.

Key words: manufacturing agglomeration, green economic efficiency, instrumental variables, panel threshold model, dynamic spatial lag model

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