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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 68-76.

• Revisit of Classic Literature • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Construction of “Ideal Father” and Reflections on National Character: On LU Xun's “How are We to Be Father Now”

SHEN Qingli   

  1. School of Literature,BNU,Beijing 100875,China
  • Online:2021-09-25 Published:2021-11-25

Abstract: The issue of “father” and father-son relationship,in any cultural tradition,embodies multiple cultural symbols and is related to our faith. Through the articles such as “How are We to Be Father Now”,LU Xun put a proposition of the cultural enlightenment,advocating to replace the traditional concept of “tough love” with the “family love” and replace the feudal “filial piety” with the modern meaning of the “fatherhood” standard. LU Xun's construction of “ideal father” and his search for “spiritual father” can be regarded as a kind of cultural psychological metaphor for his lifelong pursuit of spiritual growth and exploration of objective truth. Besides,LU Xun tried to established a virtuous cycle mechanism among “strong father”,“strong children”,“strong family”,“strong society” and “strong country”,and to construct a model of “fatherhood” of modern significance,which has enlightenment to the cultural construction of today's China.

Key words: LU Xun, the construction of “ideal father”, How are We to Be Father Now, criticism of national character

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