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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 70-77.

• Marxism Studies • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Historical Correspondence Points in the Marxism Acceptance of the Early Communist Party of China and Its Contemporary Inspiration:Re-examination of the “Socialist Debate” in the Early 20th Century

LI Ping, ZHANG Guan   

  1. Institute of Marxist Philosophy and China's Modernization & Philosophy Department,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China
  • Online:2022-03-25 Published:2022-04-27

Abstract: The Communist Party of China chooses and accepts Marxism for three important historical correspondence points.The first point is the correspondence between the “original aspiration” of the Communist Party of China and Marxism.From the dimension of social history,the original aspiration of the Communist Party of China is to fundamentally solve the problem of China's poverty,weakness and national peril,that is,to let most people live a real “human life”.Marxism provides a powerful ideological weapon.The second is between the mission of the Communist Party of China and the ideal of “socialism”.From the dimension of epistemology,the critical reflections on Western civilizations since the “Western Learning to the East”,the dissemination of Marxist theory in China and the revolutionary practice in Russia,all together constitute an important correspondence point for early Communists to accept Marxism.The third is between Marxism and the traditional basic values of Chinese culture.From the dimension of ethical culture,Chinese traditional culture has the core values of “valuing the public”,“the temperament of transcendentality and ideality” and “practical statecraft”,while Marxism has the characteristics of collectivism principle,communist ideal and practical materialism,from which we could see the intrinsic correspondence between them.

Key words: socialist debate, the Communist Party of China, Marxism, historical correspondence points

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