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15 January 2018, Volume 0 Issue 1
    Trilateral Powers:Theoretical Model of Modern University Governance
    ZHOU Zuo-yu,LIU Yi-dong
    2018, 0(1):  5-16. 
    Abstract ( 993 )   PDF (1701KB) ( 1025 )  
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    The dichotomy of academic power and administrative power ignores the importance of politics in university governance.The practice of Chinese university governance calls for more attention to the political power.Due to historical and practical reasons,politics and administration are usually not separated from each other in Chinese university governance,which partly weakens the Party's leadership in higher education institutions.This paper first identifies three essential elements in university governance,including academics,administration and politics.Based on these three elements,this paper constructs three models of university governance in China's universities:academic governance model,administrative governance model and political governance model.Through the discussion of the relative power of the three elements in the models,we further come up with 6 “ideal types” of China's university governance.In order to achieve these goals,policy makers should strive to overcome the defects pointed out by the theoretical models so as to promote the university governance reform.It is also suggested that they should understand the relationship between the trilateral powers systematically and develop a contingent university governance idea based on the coordination of trilateral powers.Furthermore,they need to critically examine assumptions about human nature shaped by power dynamics so as to establish a restraining mechanism to overcome the weakness of human nature so as to strengthen discipline in colleges and universities and improve university governance assurance mechanism.
    An Open Evaluation in Academia Promotes the Scholarly Creativity
    LIU Yi-dong
    2018, 0(1):  17-26. 
    Abstract ( 912 )   PDF (1561KB) ( 471 )  
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    Universities may host the first-class scholars and house the first-class disciplines as well. Of these leading scholars, some are frontier scholars who made breakthrough achievements and are crucially important in their fields. The internet might help to promote their academic accomplishments and thereby established their reputation in the academia. The open online evaluation on frontier scholars is also accessible to experts or scholars in other disciplines which substantialized an open academia. The frontier scholars are generally self-reliant and could start their own businesses in a market economy. They also have a free and relaxed work environment in which they enjoyed an autonomy over hiring, budget and decision making which made them more competitive and well-linked to their peers in a global context. Therefore, it is time that an open internet evaluation for the first-class scholars in the first-class disciplines should be initiated and reinforced so as to promote the scholarly creativity in academia, which will contribute to building a world-class higher education and research system in China with world-class scholars and disciplines.
    Connotation and Structure of Social Responsibility Competencies in the Frame of Key Competencies
    HUANG Si-Lin,LIN Chong-de
    2018, 0(1):  27-33. 
    Abstract ( 1404 )   PDF (946KB) ( 646 )  
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    Social responsibility is a key competency to integrate the individual development into the social development, and it is the core component of the value as well. Based on the frame of key competencies, this study was designed to interpret the connotation of social responsibility competencies through analyzing key competencies from other organizations and countries and previous findings on social responsibility. Social responsibility is a comprehensive competency in cognition, emotion and ability, which mainly includes responsibilities for family, collective, country and a social sustainable development. The realization of social responsibility competencies should be guided by the “Chinese Dream” and the core values of Chinese socialism, and be integrated into the current curriculums development with a focus on emotional experience and process evaluation.
    Connotation and Assessment of Learning to Learn Competency
    JIA Xu-ji, WANG Quan-quan, LIN Chong-de
    2018, 0(1):  34-40. 
    Abstract ( 1660 )   PDF (949KB) ( 731 )  
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    As one of the six key competencies for Chinese college students, how to define and assess learning to learn competency caught a wide attention from researchers and educators. The learning to learn competency was initiated to meet the demands of and the challenges from an information-knowledge-based economy and a global quality education. With a characteristic of subjectivity, continuity and integrity, learning to learn competency is crucial to build a self-improvement and life-long learning society. Although remarkable accomplishments were achieved in the assessment of the learning to learn competency by researchers and educators in the United Kingdom, Finland and other European nations, it is imperative for Chinese researchers and educators to develop an assessment system for the learning to learn competency which can be applied to diverse groups locally and globally.
    The Basic Ideas and Approaches of Key Competence Research
    XIONG Yu-ke, XU Yi-wei, Wang Quan-quan, REN Ping, LIU Xia, LIN Chong-de
    2018, 0(1):  41-48. 
    Abstract ( 2128 )   PDF (1206KB) ( 1084 )  
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    The study of key competences aims at building a comprehensive education system to promote college students' all-rounded development. A theoretic exploration on approaches to the research about the key competence will provide reference for other relevant researches in the future. The theoretical perspective of the key competence already transferred from the traditional ability-based perspective to an integrated one. This transition placed more emphasis on the ability of problem solving in real-world situations, which not only focus on the developmental outcome of the key competence but also on the process of competences. As for the research theoretic framework, it has already shifted from the research outcome to systematic views internationally, which integrates the goal of education with education practices based on the key competence. The construction of the key competence mainly involves the top-level design, theoretical research, empirical investigation, result integration and validity verification and the five elements mentioned above correlated to each other. Future research should from a systematic view be based on the whole framework of the key competence with more evidence from follow-up studies. The study of the key competence should also include students' developmental needs through the whole research.
    A Study on the Modal Particles of zhi只,xie些,si斯,si思, and zhi止 in Ancient Chinese Poems
    HUANG Yi-qing
    2018, 0(1):  49-59. 
    Abstract ( 1277 )   PDF (1700KB) ( 771 )  
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    The modal particlesof Zhi只,xie些,si斯,si思,and zhi止 were the variants of the modal particle Xi 兮in that all of these particles expressed the same modal,applied in the same grammatical unit,and were documented complementarily in spite of their phonetic difference.At the same time,Xi 兮 was a variant of modal particle He 呵.The pronunciations of these modal particles were different from each other which actually reflected a certain degree of sound changes in old times.The actual phonetic changes in ancient spoken Chinese were far more complicated than detected from the existed written classic literature.Regarding the fact that modal particle does not carry the meaning of a “real” word,its character form in ancient time easily changed as its pronunciation changed in ancient poems
    A Study on Cross-Cultural Chinese Characters
    LI Yun-fu,HE Yu-hua
    2018, 0(1):  60-68. 
    Abstract ( 763 )   PDF (1274KB) ( 846 )  
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    In addition to a local cultural horizon,the study of Chinese character needs a cross-cultural perspective.The “cross-cultural Chinese character research” has two meanings:one is treating cross-culture as a method and perspective of research,that is,studying Chinese characters from a cross-cultural perspective;the other is treating “cross-cultural Chinese character” as an object of the study,that is,studying Chinese characters in different cultural contexts.The “cross-cultural Chinese character research” is rich in content,including the literature of the cross-cultural Chinese character and the phenomena in them,the cross-cultural spread,development,comparison and teaching of Chinese character,the impact of foreign culture on Chinese character system,the cross-cultural Chinese character academic history and so on.Therefore,the “cross-cultural Chinese character research” has promising future and should be a special field as well as an important branch of Chinese character studies.
    The Mighty Structure and the Development of Chinese Characters
    QI Yuan-tao
    2018, 0(1):  69-74. 
    Abstract ( 899 )   PDF (814KB) ( 689 )  
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    Different Chinese character structure has different development trends.The mighty structure is the structure that has a strong development trend,which includes the pictophonetic structure,the hierarchical structure and the two-component structure.The opposite of the mighty structure is the weak structure,that is,the structure which gradually declines in the development of the Chinese characters.This structure includes the non-phonetic structure,the non-hierarchical structure and the non-two-component structure.The survey data demonstrate that the number of characters constructed by mighty structure goes up,while the weak structure goes down all the way.This is reflected in the choice of the mighty structure both in the creation of the newly made Chinese characters and the transformation of old Chinese characters.The common point of the mighty structure is to achieve a hierarchical structure in Chinese character formation.While with the combined action of various strong structures,the overall development goal of Chinese characters is to realize the Chinese structure systematization.A synergistic effect of the pictophonetic structure and the two-component structure further produces a “form-function” matching mode,which is left-meaning and right-sound,and improves the accuracy of the Chinese character system.
    A Re-Examination on the Practice of “Ruling Behind the Curtains” by Express Dowagers Cixi and Ci'An after the Death of Xianfeng Emperor
    WANG Kai-xi
    2018, 0(1):  75-84. 
    Abstract ( 1248 )   PDF (1633KB) ( 1067 )  
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    It is generally agreed by historians that the practice of “ruling behind the curtains” by Empress Dowager Cixi occurred for three times when the emperors were too young to be a decision-maker in the late Qing Empire.However,this research,after a detailed documentary study,found that the aforementioned perspective is not accurate due to significant changes in this practice.It is found that the “yellow curtains” were already removed in June 1870(the ninth year of Tongzhi's reign) when the two Empress Dowagers granted audiences,issued imperial orders,or dealt with other kinds of state affairs in the court.Furthermore,this documentary study also found that the locations of “listening to politics behind the curtains” kept changing and included Hall of Mental Cultivation,Palace of Heavenly Purity,Hall of Diligent Government,and Hall of Benevolence and Longevity in Summer Palace.Therefore,this research concluded that the practice of Empress Dowager Cixi ‘s “listening to politics behind the curtains” occurred for only one time during her 47 years’ rule from “behind the curtains”.
    Institutional Crisis and Mismanagement of Civil Examination Reform in Late Qing Dynasty: A Study from Perspective of Interactive Relationship Between Discrimination and Examination Style
    JIA Lin
    2018, 0(1):  85-96. 
    Abstract ( 854 )   PDF (2301KB) ( 838 )  
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    In addition to the examination content for occupation not related to one's training which has suffered lots of criticism,institutional crisis in late Qing Dynasty particularly embodied in government's mismanagement in dealing with the interactive relationship between discrimination and examination style,which eventually posed a political dilemma that the authorities hardly got rid of.Civil examination faced the serious problem of decreased discrimination after abolishment of dajie in the end of eight-legged essay style in early and middle Qing Dynasty.Shitie poem style was introduced to improve the discrimination,which was decreased again after candidates' adaptation to the new style.As the examiner focused on second and third round of the examination which contents were relatively complicated and inclined to make high marks to papers with long answers,the discrimination increased while the styles of Gongyang and miscellaneous works incorporated into the examination field.The government adopted the policy based on dealing with narrow range of knowledge of eight-legged essay style and didn't recognized the starting point for decision-making and the objective existence,which led to a more chaotic situation in examination and ideological field with chaos before.This situation objectively cooperated the formation of revolutionary menarche and in different degrees decreased the centripetal forces of the scholar class to the authorities.
    The Interpersonal Network in the League of Left-Wing Writers and the Diffusion of Marxism in Shanghai in the 1920s-30s
    XING Ke
    2018, 0(1):  97-106. 
    Abstract ( 848 )   PDF (1605KB) ( 571 )  
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    The term “diffusion” might be more accurate than the term “dissemination“ in describing the Marxism dissemination in the early 20th century in China.According to Everett Rogers,the interpersonal network is an important channel for information diffusion.Initiated at Zhejiang Official Secondary Normal School in late Qing Empire,this interpersonal network was reinforced through the New Culture Movement and May Fourth Movement in the 1910s and 1920s,and Marxism was spread within the network.After the First Revolutionary Civil War,the interpersonal network grew into the United Front in Cultural Work led by the Communist Party of China and its members transformed from Marxism thinkers into its disseminators.During this period of time,Marxism was effectively diffused and spread through networks to more diversified social classes,which avoided the possible political and economic risks in Marxism promotion,and meanwhile ensured its stability and sustainability.The diversified interpersonal networks in the League of Left-Wing Writers also made Marxism dissemination more effective and diverse as well.This research is expected to be thought-provoking for scholars in studying and understanding the characteristics of Marxism dissemination in its early stage in China.
    Gettier Cases and the Conservative Property of Deduction
    GUO Jia hong, LIU Xiao chen
    2018, 0(1):  107-113. 
    Abstract ( 851 )   PDF (989KB) ( 770 )  
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    This article logically analyzes the classical structural Gettier cases,famously known as ‘from false premises to obtain justified true belief via logic deduction’.Through a detailed formal analysis of several classical Gettier cases,it is concluded that during the process of applying a valid deductive inference,if what the premises express is strictly stronger than what the conclusion expresses,then there always exists a situation where at least one Gettier case happens.The fundamental reason under this result is the conservative property of deduction.
    An Introduction to the Moral Philosophy of Alan Gewirth
    WANG Xiao-wei,LI Jian-hui
    2018, 0(1):  114-120. 
    Abstract ( 867 )   PDF (1022KB) ( 496 )  
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    This paper introduces the theory of Gewirthian School which rose in 1980s in the United States and caught a significant attention in the West.In contrast to other moral theories,the normativity of Gewirth's morality is grounded neither on the concrete empirical goodness,such as happiness,nor on the conception(s) of good life or transcendental freedom;but it is rather grounded in the normative structure of our agency.By adopting so-called dialectic logic,Gewirth proposes an ultimate moral principle which is both formal and material.As such,his theory largely departs from Kantian moral philosophy,Utilitarianism,and virtue theory,which are characterized by formalism,calculation of utility and cultivation of character.
    Economy & Sociology
    The Middle Income Trap Can Be an Obstacle for Industrial Structure Upgrading
    LI Chong
    2018, 0(1):  121-131. 
    Abstract ( 982 )   PDF (2020KB) ( 593 )  
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    “The middle income trap” refers to an economic stagnation which might arise after middle income countries enter a certain stage of economic development.It caused a worldwide attention in international economic circle accompanied with an increasing number of researches and papers conducted or published since its inception in 2007.However,the analyses on the causes of the middle income trap were generalized in China. From a global perspective,it actually varies in different situations: some developing countries in fact did not fall into this trap,while some developing countries stride across this trap,but some developing countries unfortunately fell into this trap.The middle income trap is not only caused by the loss of the competitiveness in labor intensive industries in developing countries.It can be more likely caused by the undue upgrading of its industrial structure in developing countries.Although the industrial structure depends on the level of its economic development,the upgrading of industrial structure imposes important impacts on economic development.China is currently confronted with challenges from the middle income trap.It is highly suggested that China should promote advancement of science and technology so as to upgrade industrial structure timely to avoid the middle income trap.
    Which Factors Affect the Industrial Upgrading?    The Research Based on the Qualitative Comparative Analysis Method(QCA)
    ZHANG Wen-guang,WANG Yao-hui
    2018, 0(1):  132-142. 
    Abstract ( 1350 )   PDF (1560KB) ( 1530 )  
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    In recent years,the major developed countries all over the world have launched many manufacturing strategies,in order to seize the commanding heights of the future competition.In a critical period of economic transformation and upgrading,only by accelerating the pace of industrial upgrading and enhancing the core competitiveness of the industry can China be able to remain invincible in the increasingly fierce international competition.The correct understanding of the factors,which is affecting the industrial upgrading,is of great significance in the process of making scientific and effective industrial upgrading strategies.To explore the combinative effects of several factors on industrial upgrading,we collected data samples from 22 countries and used the qualitative comparative analysis method(QCA) to analyze factors including brand advantage,technological innovation level,human capital,openness to the outside world and intellectual property system.The result shows that:①The comprehensive investment in four aspects including technological innovation,human capital,openness to the outside world and intellectual property system can effectively promote the process of industrial upgrading.②On the premise of weaker technological innovation and weaker human capital,the combination of measures,such as cultivating brand advantage,enhancing the degree of openness to the outside world and strengthening the construction of intellectual property system,has a positive effect on the process of a country's industrial upgrading.③The lower development of technological innovation and intellectual property system will become the constraints of a country's efforts to industrial upgrading.The conclusions indicate that:China should fully invest in these four aspects of scientific and technological innovation,the human capital supply,the openness to the outside world and the intellectual property system,so as to form a policy to make great progress in industrial upgrading.What's more,China should attach great importance to and make efforts to solve the problems restricting scientific and technological innovation Level and the intellectual property system.
    Post-Western Sociology and Contemporary Chinese Sociology
    WEI Jian-wen,LI Pei-lin
    2018, 0(1):  143-150. 
    Abstract ( 852 )   PDF (1169KB) ( 1131 )  
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    “Post-Western Sociology” refers to the reconstruction of contemporary sociology in the context of globalization according to the new development experience of different countries.“Problem-oriented” Contemporary Chinese Sociology closely combines the sociological research with the solution to practical problems in economic and social development,provides a powerful knowledge support for the accumulation of “Chinese experience”,and is an important part of “Post-Western Sociology”.This article reviewed important studies of Chinese sociology since its restoration and reconstruction in early 1980s and concluded with five important topics(including social structure transformation,property right arrangement,enterprise & organization,social stratification and social capital) that will form dialogues between Contemporary Chinese Sociology and “Post-Western Sociology” which is expected to promote the internationality of Contemporary Chinese Sociology
    TheResearch of Adolescent NSSI: Gene-environment Interaction
    WANGQuan-quan,LIU Xia
    2018, 0(1):  156-160. 
    Abstract ( 872 )   PDF (954KB) ( 978 )  
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    There is growing evidence demonstrating that the adolescent NSSI (non-suicidal self-injury) can be explained by the interaction of gene and environment.Two main theoretical models have been proposed to describe G×Es: the diathesis-stress model stipulates that genetic vulnerability predisposes an individual to the development of a psychiatric disorder when exposed to adversity,while the differential-susceptibility model proposes that individuals vary in their susceptibility to environmental influences (both negative and positive).In order to get a better understanding of gene-environment interaction of NSSI,a multilevel analysis (genetic,neuro,trait,environment and NSSI) has been proposed in this review.Future research can be focus on the positive environment G×Es and adolscent study,as well as the underlying mechanisms of gene-environment interaction.