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20 April 2018, Volume 0 Issue 2
Study and Carry out the Spirit of 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
A Study on Xi Jinping's Healthy China Initiativeand a Theory of Health Productivity
HU An-gang,WANG Hong-chuan
2018, 0(2): 5-12.
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In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is critically important to further liberate and increase productivity. As human resource is a fundamental source of productivity, a healthy population is a key mark of a prosperous and powerful China. The Central Party Committee under the leadership of Xi Jinping inherited and developed Marxism's thought of promoting people's all-aspect development and strengthening people's central role in the process of an overall modernization, and initiated a healthy China strategy which called for improving the national health policy so as to ensure the delivery of comprehensive lifecycle health services for Chinese people. The healthy China initiative also suggested a deepened reform of the medicine and healthcare system so as to establish distinctively Chinese systems for providing basic healthcare, medical insurance, and quality and efficient healthcare services with a sound modern hospital management system. This research thus puts forward a theory of “health productivity”, which is different from economic productivity in that the former reflects a people-centered value standard integrating both socialist productivity and value. It might be a major theoretic breakthrough for socialist modernization in the new era.
A Critique on the Phenomenon of Educational Empiricism
LIU Qing-chang
2018, 0(2): 13-22.
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In educational practice, there exists a phenomenon which indulges in individual or partial educational experience without examining the whole picture, and this phenomenon can be interpreted as educational empiricism. There are the following main characteristics in Educational empiricism: an overenthusiasm for the individual experience, a contempt for education theory and an emotional bigotry for the method and technology. This phenomenon results from educational practitioners' overenthusiasm about the educational experience and misunderstanding of the rigid educational theory. The educational empiricism negatively affects the educational practice and research, and therefore, educational researchers need to realize and overcome limitations of educational experience so as to integrate educational theory into educational practice.
B-S-J-G(China) and Singapore Students' Science Literacy and Its Influencing Factors: An analysis on PISA2015 data
ZHAO De-cheng,HUANG Liang
2018, 0(2): 23-31.
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PISA2015 results attracted a wide attention from the whole society. PISA2015 data for B-S-J-G(China)and Singapore were accessed from OECD online database to compare 15-year-old students' science literacy performance. Hierarchical Linear Modeling was employed to explore the key factors that influence students' science literacy performance in two respective economies. Results demonstrate that B-S-J-G(China)students' test scores on the overall scale of science literacy test and on all the subscales of science literacy test are significantly lower than that of Singapore students, with a score gap ranging from 32.82 to 43.29 and a moderate effect size. Students from B-S-J-G(China) also significantly show a stronger instrumental motivation, but less enjoyment of science and less science self-efficacy than Singapore students. The factors such as students' ESCS, enjoyment of science, disciplinary climate in science class, and the ratio of science teachers to all school teachers significantly predicted students' science literacy performance positively, while students' test anxiety, instrumental motivation, and student-perceived enquiry-based instruction had significant negative impacts on students' science literacy performance. In order to continuously reform science education and improve its quality, B-S-J-G(China) should conscientiously learn from the educational experience in Singapore. These measures include emphasizing inquiry teaching and the cultivation of critical thinking ability, strengthening the management of human resources in schools to improve teachers' professionalism, and paying attention to students' non-cognitive performance so as to stimulate their internal motivation.
The Construction and Evaluation of Expert-Coach-Teacher Collaboration Model as a New Trauma Intervention Approach
LIN Chong-de, WU Xin-chun, CHEN Qiu-yan, TIAN Yu-xin
2018, 0(2): 32-40.
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When reviewing the past post-disaster interventions, the researchers found that the role of teachers as a key factor in those interventions was not identified. Teachers as students' mentors and chaperons, they play a critical role in the reconstruction of post-disaster schools and the students' mental health. This research, therefore, situated in post-disaster schools in China, created a systematic post-disaster psychological intervention model for teacher training—a trauma intervention model of expert-coach- teacher collaboration. This model which integrated three factors of teacher as therapist (TAT), student assistance plan (SAP) and coaching as theoretical evidence to promote the teacher's ability of psychological counseling. It was proved that this model effectively promoted the long-term development of post-disaster psychological intervention and has been well applied in other post-disaster aid work, such as Yushu earthquake, Ya'an earthquake and Ludian earthquake. It is of great significance to the psychological health development of post-disaster teachers and students.
Dialectical Understanding Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Growth: A Perspective of Integration and Comparison
WU Xin-chun, ZHOU Xiao, WANG Wen-chao, TIAN Yu-xin
2018, 0(2): 41-50.
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Following traumatic events, traumatized individuals not only reported posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but also perceived positive psychological changes such as posttraumatic growth (PTG). As contrast valance psychological reactions, PTSD and PTG may co-exist in traumatized individuals.Based on the perspective of integration and comparison, this study discussed the relation between PTSD and PTG, the predictors as well as their underlying mechanism. This research demonstrated that shortly after the trauma, PTG, as a strategy, might relieve the severity of PTSD, but PTG, as a long-term consequence, might exist after the trauma, which was precipitated by PTSD. Trauma exposure, core belief challenge, and fear were common factors leading to PTSD and PTG, intrusive rumination and deliberated rumination not only results in PTSD, but also lead to PTG, and social support could be a two-side sword to PTSD and PTG. In addition, PTSD and PTG had unique underlying cognitive mechanism but common emotive mechanism, and social support could relieve PTSD and lead to PTG by the indirect effect of cognitive activities. However, social support can only relieve PTSD but cannot improve PTG by suppressing emotion.
Dialectical Understanding Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Growth: A Perspective of Integration and Comparison
WU Xin-chun, ZHOU Xiao, WANG Wen-chao, TIAN Yu-xin
2018, 0(2): 51-63.
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Following traumatic events, traumatized individuals not only reported posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but also perceived positive psychological changes such as posttraumatic growth (PTG). As contrast valance psychological reactions, PTSD and PTG may co-exist in traumatized individuals. Based on the perspective of integration and comparison, this study discussed the relation between PTSD and PTG, the predictors as well as their underlying mechanism. This research demonstrated that shortly after the trauma, PTG, as a strategy, might relieve the severity of PTSD, but PTG, as a long-term consequence, might exist after the trauma, which was precipitated by PTSD. Trauma exposure, core belief challenge, and fear were common factors leading to PTSD and PTG, intrusive rumination and deliberated rumination not only results in PTSD, but also lead to PTG, and social support could be a two-side sword to PTSD and PTG. In addition, PTSD and PTG had unique underlying cognitive mechanism but common emotive mechanism, and social support could relieve PTSD and lead to PTG by the indirect effect of cognitive activities. However, social support can only relieve PTSD but cannot improve PTG by suppressing emotion.
A Study on Aesthetic Capitalism Critique
CAO Wei-dong,WANG Yao-chong
2018, 0(2): 64-70.
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Karl Marx and Max Weber's critiques on traditional capitalism overshadowed that of Werner Sombart. However, Sombart's critique on capitalism from a perspective of luxurious consumption caught a fresh attention when modern capitalism transformed from production to consummation, which formed its four theoretic thoughts on luxurious consumption. Based upon the traditional critic theory, Max Weber believed capitalism already moved to the stage of aesthetic Capitalism characterized with an economization in private section and an emphasis on consumption. Aesthetic capitalism critique demonstrated that capitalism has been aggressively exploring its self-interpretation and re-construction with its traditional resources and legacy, which inspires us to re-construct socialism value from the traditional socialism legacy and resources.
World Poetry, Chinese Experience and Post Theory: A Debating over the English Translation of Bei Dao
2018, 0(2): 71-69.
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In the 1990s, the concept of world poetry was heatedly debated among many scholars who attempted to think the political and ethical roles of the Third-world literature through the translation of Bei Dao's poems.Cautioned by the emerging supremacy of global capital, Stephen Owen argued against the contemporaneity of Chinese literature exemplified by Bei Dao.Through a skillful practice of post-structuralist theories, Michelle Yeh and Rey Chow powerfully demonstrated the contradictions in Owen's disguised orientalist position. The interesting ignorance of the role of translation by those scholars necessitates a reconsideration of translational literacy in the era of post theory. The production, communication, and consumption of Chinese literature face the challenges in the Anthropocene. The legitimacy of Chinese (literary) experience lies in the new futurity it opens up to the human beings.
The Flexible Interpretation Power of Theoretical Sections: A Possible Way to Construct Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory Discourse
HUANG Xiao-jia
2018, 0(2): 80-79.
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In the past 20 years, most of subjects under discussion in Chinese academia were on interpretational function of literary theories and interpretation power of western literary theories for Chinese literature. Therefore, contemporary Chinese literary theories could construct their own discourse in dimension of interpretation. With awareness that western literary theories are sectional, it is necessary to review the research history of western literary theories particularly as instruments of interpretation in China, and then, it is possible to discover the growing point of contemporary Chinese literary theories themselves and thus to promote cultural self-confidence.
The Delphic Amphictyony and Political Game among Greek Poleis
2018, 0(2): 88-96.
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An Amphictyony was a league that driven by the religious tie,and it mainly dealt with issues that were related to its sanctuary.The Delphic Amphictyony was the most famous one in ancient Greek history,it originated in the early time of the Archaic Age and disappeared during Roman domination.The Delphic Amphictyony was extremely active in the Classical Age and most events happened in that time were related to it.There was an interaction between the Delphic Amphictyony and the Greek polis politics in the Classical Age.The Delphic Amphictyony provided a political arena for the struggles of poleis on the one hand,but on the other hand,the political game among poleis often brought some changes to its internal structure.There was a balance in the Amphictyonic council in the fifth century B.C,but this balance was broken in the fourth century B.C.The Delphic Amphictyony was manipulated as a political tool by powerful polis.Meanwhile,the third sacred war of the Delphic Amphictyony also changed the political situation.
The Men-Rats Relationship in the Western Front Trenches during WWI
2018, 0(2): 97-105.
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The focus of the study on the history of WWI has gradually changed in the 20th century. The neo-military historians and environmental Historians focus on their studies on the subjects inadequately investigated by the traditional historians. From a perspective of environmental history, the relationship between rats and troops well demonstrated the interaction between the environment and human beings. Trench Journals and Unit Magazines published at that time by both sides complained that the rat issue was a chronic problem with the trench troops during WWI, and the relationship between rats and humans kept changing as well. After their attempts to trap and kill out the rats failed, the trench troops had to coexist with the rats which became a cultural sign on the Western Front in WWI.
The Nixon Government's Measures to Reform the International Monetary System
WANG Wen-fei
2018, 0(2): 106-113.
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Restricted by the deficit of the balance of payments and the outflow of gold reserve, the Nixon administration put forward several measures to change the International monetary system such as closing the gold window and broadening the exchange rate margins. These actions showed that among the Nixon cabinet, the tendency of suspending the gold-dollar convertibility and floating U.S. dollar became increasingly stronger which eventually influenced the President's decision making. However, due to the lack of consultation, the monetary measures came cross many objections. Therefore, the arrangement of international monetary affairs could not only reveal different interest appeals, but also affect international political relationship. Founded on U.S. diplomatic and financial archives, this article will analyze the internal discussion of the Nixon cabinet in regard to the international monetary policies, and attempt to explore the relationship between US and its allies in the years of detente.
The Approach of Socialization of Confucian Morality and Its Transformation in Modern Chinese Society
WANG Zi-kuo,GUO Shu-xin
2018, 0(2): 114-119.
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The Confucian morality originated in West Zhou Dynasty and was established during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. With the further enrichment and development of the socialization of the Confucian morality, Confucian scholars had gradually constructed an integrated ethical system. The Confucian morality lays the theoretical and moral foundation to achieve the great Confucian political ideal “Tian Xia Gui Ren” which means the world will become moral. On the basis of retracing the history of the origination and development of Confucian morality and extracting the spirit from originals on Confucian morality, this research summarized the historical experience on the socialization of Confucian morality, and inquired into how the socialization of Confucian morality is possible. This research also investigated the theoretical and practical paradigm of modern transformation of the approach of socialization of Confucian morality. Therefore, this research is significant for inheriting the splendid traditional culture and promoting and practicing the core socialist values in the new era of China.
A Study of Poulantzas' Critique on Foucault's Power Theory
2018, 0(2): 120-126.
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Foucault advanced the theory of micro-power in the 1970s which led to the criticism from Poulantzas, a well-known Structural Marxism theorist. Foucault advocated a deep investigation into the diversity and uncertainty of the power at a micro level. Poulantzas, however, focused on the structural characteristics of power, and believed that power indicated the influence of the structure on the inter-relations between different classes in conflict. He pointed out the limitations of Foucault's thought from a macro dimension of the state power. Poulantzas further criticized Foucault's power theory from the relation between power and production, power and state, power and class struggle, and power and knowledge, which led us back to Marx's capital and power analysis and a unity between the macro power and micro power.
Economy & Management
Who Is More Likely to Be a Volunteer? —An Empirical Analysis from Time Allocation
GUAN Cheng-hua, ZHANG You-hui,FANG Hang
2018, 0(2): 127-137.
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This research is designed to explore who are more likely to be volunteers through a study of the participants' time allocation. The participants' time is generally divided into three parts based on the nature of the volunteering service: working hour, family hours and free hours, and the time dedicated to volunteering service is categorized into the third one. The influence of time allocation on the potential volunteers' participation in volunteering service was studied on logit models with the data of China Genuine Progress Indicator Survey (CGPiS) (Beijing, 2016). The results demonstrated that working hours had a negative but insignificant influence, while the impact of family hours was negative and significant, and the effect of free hours was both positive and significant. The levels of these significant influences were also explored. The probability of the participants' taking part in volunteering service would decrease 0.7% if family hours increased 1 hour per week, but the probability would increase 0.7% if free hours increased 1 hour per week. In addition, the participants would be more likely to be volunteers if they did volunteering service before or if their family members are currently doing volunteering service.
The Effect of Revival of Traditional Gender Attitude on Family Status Satisfaction
SUN Yong-qiang,LIU Ya-xin,WANG Qiang
2018, 0(2): 138-149.
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The divorce rate keeps increasing in recent years in China with its rapid economic development and social changes, and meanwhile Chinese people's gender attitude seems returning to the traditional pattern. The improvement of wife-husband family status satisfaction is conducive to the marriage stability. How would the returning of the traditional gender attitude influence the wife-husband family status? What is the relationship between the wife-husband family status satisfaction and the marriage stability? Based on the data of the Third National Women's Status Survey in 2010, this paper analyzed the relationship between the traditional gender ideology and the couple's attitude towards their family status. The result showed that the husband and wife's family status was affected by their gender attitudes. The husband-wife family status satisfaction is affected by their differentiated gender attitudes. Differentiated attitudes towards gender ability impacted the wife-husband family status satisfaction more significantly than the other factors. Therefore, a harmonious relationship between the wife-husband family status and their gender attitudes would be beneficial to a harmonious and stable marriage and family.
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