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25 July 2018, Volume 0 Issue 4
    Special Column for Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
    The Innovation of Legal Mechanisms for Urban Mountains Resources Conservation in Light of Xi Jinping's Ecological Ideas of Ruling by Law——A Case Study of the Regulations of Sanya City for Mountains Conservation
    DU Qun, DU Dian-hu
    2018, 0(4):  5-14. 
    Abstract ( 178 )   PDF (1942KB) ( 1035 )  
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    Mountains are an important part of human and nature community,and also important land and spatial resources.Mountains have multiple functions for urban ecosystems.This paper reviews the economic driving force and social needs for Sanya City mountain conservation legislation.Sanya's tourism flourishes the city's wealth but degrades the urban natural environment by taking mountainous land and space to real estates and irrational mining activities in mountains.At present,national resources legislation in our country based on environmental factors such as water,forest,land and mineral resources are lacking the holistic concept and the pertinence of law enforcement for mountains.Therefore,the Regulations of Sanya City for Mountains Conservation was promulgated in 2016.The Regulations uphold the legislation principles that resources development and use of mountainous space should be coordinated with the mountainous conservation plan.It establishes unified procedures for planning and decision-making,and administrative supervision for mountain resources conservation.The Regulations also provide references for other cities and districts in China to cope with the same or similar challenges in balancing the conflict of mountains conservation and urban economic growth in order to achieve urban ecologically sustainable development.
    The Recruitment of Rural Teachers and Its Influence in Rural China From 1949 To 1976:A Research Based On Oral History
    HU Yan, ZHENG Xin-rong
    2018, 0(4):  15-25. 
    Abstract ( 729 )   PDF (1609KB) ( 1458 )  
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    This research,based on the oral history of the rural teachers,discussed the recruiting mechanism and its influence from 1949 to 1976 in China.The research indicates that the recruiting of rural teachers in China at that time was led by the villages and meanwhile supported by the government.As a result,the teachers at the time were locally recruited,but with different family backgrounds under various categories(government-managed teachers and non-government-managed teachers) ,different educational levels and therefore were greatly diversified in teaching quality.The social environment and the selection methods together recruited and trained a group of rural teachers,who love education,and love rural China,with high moral standards,high motivation and deep passion to rural education.They made tremendous contributions to the education,the cultural development and modernization of production and living styles in rural China.
    The Effect of Reflux on Mental Health of Rural Children:An Empirical Research Based on Survey of Rural Boarding Schools
    LI Xu, ZHU Zhi-sheng
    2018, 0(4):  26-38. 
    Abstract ( 867 )   PDF (1571KB) ( 957 )  
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    The large-scale migration in China has an important impact on the mental health of the rural children.The previous studies have only focused on the left behind children and migrant children,while ignoring the return phenomenon which is common for rural migrant children because of the current household registration system and education policies.The vast majority of migrant children will eventually be forced to become the returning children.Based on the survey data of 137 rural boarding schools in five counties of Hebei and Sichuan in 2015,this paper empirically examined the effect of Reflux on rural children's mental health.We find that reflux experience indeed has a significant negative impact on the mental health of rural children,which increases the risk of depression and lowers the self-esteem and resilience level.In contrast,the children who have short-term migrant experience will face a higher risk of depression once they returned.The returning children's self-esteem and resilience over time will be improved,but the risk of depression cannot be naturally released.Simultaneously,the mechanism analysis shows that the "double exclusion" from the urban and rural is an important reason for the deterioration of the mental health of rural children.
    Behavioral Autonomy in Adolescence:A Review of Existing Researh and Suggestions for Future Direction
    LIU Yan, JIANG Suo
    2018, 0(4):  39-49. 
    Abstract ( 873 )   PDF (1565KB) ( 1328 )  
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    Behavioral autonomy,or the ability to make independent decisions,is considered as an important aspect of individual autonomy.Because it has long been acknowledged that becoming more autonomous is a central developmental task for adolescents,most research and theorizing on behavioral autonomy has focused on adolescence.In the current paper a comprehensive review of the extant literature concerning behavioral autonomy of adolescents is presented.It opens with a conceptual clarification of the term and an introduction of the measurement techniques.It focuses on the main findings of the relevant empirical research providing insight into the trajectory,influencing factors of adolescents' behavioral autonomy and the association between adolescents' behavioral autonomy and psychosocial functioning.The limitations of the extant literature are discussed.Future research should develop more validated measures based on a clearer defined understanding of the concept of behavioral autonomy.Moreover,understanding of adolescent development would be enhanced if,in future research,behavioral autonomy is explored in a more complete picture of adolescents' development.
    The Cultural Self-Healing Mechanism and Its Practice in China
    ZHANG Ju-wen
    2018, 0(4):  50-60. 
    Abstract ( 772 )   PDF (1572KB) ( 807 )  
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    Is there an inherent logic in the origin,development,transmission and disappearance of a human culture? Is there a self-healing mechanism inherent to those cultures that have survived crises and gained vitality of redevelopment? What is the cultural grounding?Regarding Chinese culture,its history has provided one logical answer:there is a cultural self-healing mechanism that is key to its sustainable development.The evidences are the practices of traditional lifestyle,or “folkloric identity,” Therefore,“folkloric identity” may be the only logical way to understand the diversity within unity in Chinese culture.Otherwise,one may fall into a vicious trap of “racial or ethnic groups”, which were the concepts introduced to China at the beginning of the twentieth century. This path has led the cultural groups in China to an unprecedented dead-end of racial and ethnic conflicts.Only when the everyday life of the common people can return to the traditional roots and the folkloric identity can a culture re-gain its cultural confidence,achieve self-healing,and continue to develop as a new culture.
    The Characteristics of Transmission and Protection of the Traditional Crafts:Core Markers and Arbitrary Markers Symbols,and Self-healing Mechanism
    ZHU Xia
    2018, 0(4):  61-68. 
    Abstract ( 908 )   PDF (1503KB) ( 1531 )  
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    The transmission of the traditional crafts is a dynamic process with a strong cultural logic,and its characteristics can be seen through core markers and arbitrary markers.The core markers consists the core part of the traditional crafts that must be held firmly,which constitutes the essential characteristics of the process,the evaluation system,the cultural values,and the vitality across history.Arbitrary markers,on the other hand,is the part of the traditional process that can be transformed and alternated,which embodies the effectiveness of technology,utility,and the adaptation through development.The traditional craft with a balance of these two symbolic markers is positively inherited by integrating both the tradition and the innovation.Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage is not only to preserve,record and rescue the discontinued or lost traditional crafts,but is also to develop variant products through research and marketing.At the same time,we should establish confidence in Chinese culture,and believe that the discontinued or lost traditional crafts may be recovered at the right time when the “self-healing mechanism” is activated,and that those traditional crafts will return to our social life.
    The Self-healing and Recurrence of Urban Daily Life:the Fourth Interpretation of the Path of Inherence and Change in Folklore
    JU Xi
    2018, 0(4):  69-76. 
    Abstract ( 928 )   PDF (1769KB) ( 1196 )  
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    When discussing the path of inheritance and change of Chinese folklore in recent decades,the folklorists have proposed these theories:the adaptation theory,the revival/continuation theory,and the revolutionary theory.All these three theories constructed their analysis frames from the two dimensions:folklore matters and diachronic changes,which brought them to the field of history study.But these three theories cannot explain the conformation of the “new folklore” in the internet era with the “old tradition” from the Ming and Qing dynasties.In addition to these three analysis frameworks,this paper proposes a new perspective of structural analysis,from which,we can find the high similarities between the DT model in the internet economy and the guild hall in old Beijing,as well as the similarities between “”and “gathered products in capital” documented in the Records of Seasonal Grandness in Imperial Capital (Didu Suishi Jisheng《帝都岁时纪胜》),especially in their internal mechanism.As cultural representations,these similarities come from the concordance of urban daily life in different period but always base on the high division of labor and the consumer society.These similarities are not the result of adaptation,revival/continuation or revolution of a certain kind of folklore,but a natural choice decided by the Self-Healing Mechanism of folklore,which result in the recurrence of different folklore matters with consistent structures.This is the fourth explanation of the path of inherence and change of folklore:self-healing theory.
    An Analysis of the Liberal Intellectuals' Political Ideology in the Early Regime of GMD Nanjing Government
    ZHENG Shi-qu
    2018, 0(4):  77-93. 
    Abstract ( 788 )   PDF (1692KB) ( 1289 )  
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    The Chinese liberal intellectuals in the early regime of GMD government (1927-1932) assumed themselves as social spiritual leaders and did not support the GMD regime,but meanwhile they were unreasonably and blindly afraid of Communism and the political movements led by the Communists.Therefore,they were frequently in a dilemma in casting their criticism on GMD regime.But their political ideology became adapted to the new political situation after September 18th,1931:on one hand,they began to cooperated politically with GMD,and on the other hand they started to acknowledge the legitimation of CPC.Unfortunately this ideological adaptation was criticized as a surrender to the reactionary GMD regime.This criticism is not fair under the circumstances at that time because their ideological adaptation reflected their political independence,social responsibility and commitment.Their advocating for speech freedom and GMD-CPC cooperation prepared for the second GMD-Communist Cooperation in fighting against Japanese invasion in China and should be positively recognized in history.
    A Study on Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao's Social and Political Activities through Huang Yuanwei's Home Letters
    MA Zhong-wen
    2018, 0(4):  94-101. 
    Abstract ( 831 )   PDF (1589KB) ( 938 )  
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    Huang Yuanwei,an influential official in Beiyang Government in the beginning of Republic of China,was the son-in-law of KangGuangren,one of the most important leaders in the Hundred Day's Reform.Due to his privileged relationship with Kang Youwei,Liang Qichao,Chen Zhaochang and other Cantonese celebrities,his home letters to his wife Kang Tonghe became an important resource to study the social and political activities of Kang Youwei,Liang Qichao and other Cantonese celebrities from 1913-1916.These letters are also priceless in studying the political struggles among different parties within Beiyang Government.
    A Critique on Verificationism in Wittgenstein's Middle Philosophy
    LIANG Xiao-lan
    2018, 0(4):  102-109. 
    Abstract ( 827 )   PDF (1579KB) ( 535 )  
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    The discussion on the evaluation of verificationism in the development of Wittgenstein philosophy recently attracts more attention in the field.For a better understanding,several perspectives in interpreting verificationism should be taken into account,including the relation of verification and its early philosophy,the features of middle philosophy and the embodied theoretic meaning of verificationism.It is a feasible approach to summarize and analyze the related documented studies abroad.Different characteristics of verificationism were found in the early and late philosophy.First,verificationism formed the critique on the early philosophy in terms of the relation of language and reality.Second,as the middle philosophy changed gradually,verificationism changed its content and reflected interacting of various ideas during the middle philosophy.Third,verificationism is partly related method of verification to the meaning of sentences,which differentiated from the Vienna Circle's way to determine the meaning of sentences.This paper demonstrates that the different interpreting of verificationism reflected the different understanding of Wittgenstein's middle philosophy.Due to the indeterminacy of its content and its dependence upon middle philosophy,verificationsim was finally declined by Wittgenstein when he moved forward into his late philosophy.However,it is indispensable from the understanding of middle philosophy and even the whole philosophy of Wittgenstein without verificationism.
    The World as Logic and Consciousness
    HAN Song-qi
    2018, 0(4):  110-117. 
    Abstract ( 769 )   PDF (1820KB) ( 1241 )  
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    Between the nature in theoretical philosophy and the freedom in practical philosophy,there is an impassable gap.The problem is that people can't explain the relationship between nature and freedom by usual methods,which led to a separation of nature and freedom.If the possibility that logic constructs the world and the world returns to logic can be proved,then it will be known that logic is the necessary and sufficient condition of constructing the world,and this world is determined by logical patterns.Then take the thought of Dependent-Arising and Emptiness in Buddhism as a breakthrough point,it can be explained that the concepts of things are not inside things themselves but they are conceptual objects produced from people's consciousness,which are only expressed linguistically.As an extension of things' concepts,with a series of proofs in psychological philosophy,it can be explained that freedom is only the concept produced from people's consciousness.Therefore,the essence of freedom is a sense of freedom,and freedom is meaningful in the limitation of consciousness.Then,by returning the concept of freedom to sense of freedom as natural essence,the transition from the nature in theoretical philosophy to the freedom in practical philosophy will be realized.
    A Research on Benevolence Noumenon and Its Nature
    PENG Ling
    2018, 0(4):  118-124. 
    Abstract ( 788 )   PDF (1581KB) ( 849 )  
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    Benevolence noumenon,characterized by creative,non-ready-made and relational natures,is the ultimate basis upon which the theory of what people are people and what the world is the world founded.First,benevolence noumenon, has the creative nature,and is the source of life and growth and the universe.Second,benevolence noumenon has a non-ready-made nature,and is not a rigid ready-made entity but keeps transforming through life practice eternally.Third,benevolence noumenon has a relational nature,and is a whole universal harmonious symbiosis which involves both man-to-man relationship and man-to-nature relationship.
    On the Spirit of Xunzian Music Cultivation in Light of Life Philosophy
    WANG Kai
    2018, 0(4):  125-131. 
    Abstract ( 1051 )   PDF (1590KB) ( 1405 )  
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    Since Confucius “advocated” and “created” Confucianism,his students and followers have taken the liyue-based society as the ideal.However,the moral education at the community level would take effect only if personal wills or desires went through their personal life changes.In light of intellectual history,early Confucians did not pay enough attention to this issue until Taoists,especially Zhuanzi,criticized Confucianism about it.In fact,even before the age of Confucius,the intellectuals had thought the significance of music in light of self-cultivation,but the study of it basically stayed on the level of health of non-moral sense.Early Confucians greatly changed this tradition,and turned to pay more attention to moral self-cultivation rather than non-moral heath,and Xunzi accomplished most philosophical theory in this respect.In his theory of music education,Xunzi did not take one's emotions negatively,but instead emphasized the balance between moral reason and natural emotions.Specifically,Xunzi sought to achieve a real human accomplishment in both natural life and moral life.Xunzi called this ideal a “good and fine delight in each other”.
    The Impacts of the Outflow of the Rural Labor Force on Its Left-behind Household's Economic Condition:An Empirical Analysis Based on the Rural Household's Poverty and Vulnerability
    GAO Ruo-chen, LI Shi
    2018, 0(4):  132-140. 
    Abstract ( 787 )   PDF (1582KB) ( 864 )  
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    Rural poverty is substantial to building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The 19th Party Congress Report pointed out that China has entered a decisive stage in completing building a moderately prosperous society and by 2020 all poor rural populations should get rid of poverty with the governmental assistance. This research on the outflow of the rural labor force carries both practical and theoretical significance in directing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Compared to the traditional research on this issue, this research examined those factors related to both chronic and transient poverty by applying both poverty and vulnerability method, and Propensity Score Matching and Difference-in-Differences methods. The findings indicated that the outflow of the rural labor force has a significant influence on all populations in poverty, and therefore, it is crucially important for all the parties involved in helping eliminate poverty in rural areas to put the outflow of the rural labor force into their first consideration.
    A Policy Analysis of the Effect of Overall Medical Insurance System on the Patients' Economic Condition
    XIE Yuan-tao, YANG Juan
    2018, 0(4):  141-156. 
    Abstract ( 1176 )   PDF (1592KB) ( 1483 )  
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    The key to carrying out the “Targeted poverty alleviation” task is to answer the following questions:“who is in poverty”,“what is the cause of poverty”,and “how to help the people in poverty” and other questions.For the first question,the definition of absolute poverty should be transited to the development poverty.For the second question,the concept of economic poverty should be transited to ability poverty.Poverty alleviation should target the cause of poverty,and go beyond the traditional ideas,and then move to the third questions on how to implement strategy for poverty alleviation.The medical insurance system is an important starting point for poverty alleviation,but it also needs empirical support in assessing whether the medical insurance system has reached the goal of “precise poverty alleviation” and “poverty alleviation by health”.This paper analyzes the effect of overall insurance system on the patients.Based on the data from the survey of China Health and Nutrition Survey 1989-2011,the researchers built a logit model on the unbalanced panel data,with the Difference-in-Difference Models (DID),propensity score matching (PSM) and some instrumental variables,and tried to find some specific causes on this poverty.There are three main findings.First,the policy of overall insurance system is good to alleviate poverty caused by illnesses.Second,the effect of medical insurance on poverty is significant.Third,the factors,such as age,education,medical history,disease type,and the severity of disease,have significant effect on this poverty.In the end some suggestions are provided for policy making.Prompting the overall insurance system is very important to the task of poverty alleviation.For certain specific diseases,the proportion of reimbursement of medicine expenses should be increased.Mass education for is the best way to eliminate poverty.The development of commercial health insurance,through mortgage loans and other financial insurance innovation,is quite supportive to the targeted poverty alleviation.