Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 25-35.
• Education • Previous Articles Next Articles
AN Yalun1, DUAN Shifei2
Abstract: The Push-Pull theory is a theoretical framework widely accepted and applied in analyzing the factors affecting students' international mobility.Foreign researchers occupy a dominant position in this research field,and generally adopt empirical research methods,but they tend to ignor the pull factors in developing countries,the pushing factors in developed countries,and the subjective factors affecting student mobility.Chinese scholars follow the analysis model of eight pushing and seven pulling factors put forward by Philip G.Altbach,pay more attention to the individual factors of students,explore the nature of students' mobility and the relationship between internal and external factors,and propose an analysis model of the interaction of internal and external factors,meanwhile,they focus more on qualitative analysis,and notice the overlap between internal and external factors.The article proposes an analysis model covering subjective and objective factors from four subjects and five dimensions and get the results listed as follows:the pulling factor of the students' exporting country and the pushing factor of the receiving country deserve more attention;the objective driving factors determine the students' mobility only by interacting with the subjective factors;careful division of the factors that affect students' international mobility is beneficial to solve the problem of factor overlapping.
Key words: internationalization of higher education, international students, overseas study, students' mobility, the Push-Pull theory
CLC Number:
AN Yalun, DUAN Shifei. Historical Evolution and Innovative Development of the Push-Pull Theory from the Perspective of Students' International Mobility[J]. Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences), 2020, 0(4): 25-35.
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