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Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 49-59.

• Psychology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Review of Evidence-based Psychosocial Treatments for Children's Disruptive Behavior

GAO Liru, QU Zhiyong   

  1. School of Social Development and Public Policy,BNU,Beijing 100875,China
  • Received:2019-11-17 Online:2020-09-25 Published:2020-12-02

Abstract: Children's Disruptive Behavior,including Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)and Conduct Disorder (CD),are common and serious but transformable behaviors among children.The main characteristics are frequent resistance,hostility and aggressive behaviors,etc.According to the continued Disruptive Behavior of children,the illegal and criminal behaviors of adolescence and even their negatively affected subsequent growth can be significantly predicted.The existing research shows that the main causes of Children'sDisruptive Behavior include improper parental discipline,children's cognitive acceptance deviation and bad peers,etc.The targeted Evidence-based Psychosocial Treatments (EBTs) mainly include: (1)A series of Parent Management Training (PMT)programs based on Social Interaction Learning (SIL),focusing on inappropriate parenting methods and poor family relationships;(2)Children's intervention programs based on Cognitive-Behavioral Theory (CBT),which mainly focus on children's cognitive and behavioral development (e.g.emotional control,stress management,peer interaction,and problem solving,etc.);(3)Multisystemic Therapy (MST)which is guided by Ecological Theory (ET),tending to the comprehensive effect of multiple intervention methods.In recent years,many countries have incorporated them in the prevention and treatment strategies for adolescent mental and behavioral health.These studies and practices provide the useful reference for China to actively carry out evidence-based interventions,improve the professional level of family education and guidance,and prevent and reduce the occurrence and development of children's Disruptive Behavior.

Key words: children, Disruptive Behavior, evidence-based, Psychosocial Treatments, Parent Management Training (PMT)

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