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25 November 2023, Volume 0 Issue 6
    A New Model for Human Progress
    The Historical Orientation of Inclusiveness in Chinese Civilization
    YANG Gongle
    2023, 0(6):  29-33. 
    Abstract ( 248 )   PDF (1255KB) ( 286 )  
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    Inclusiveness based on the continuity of Chinese civilization has the function of gathering diversity,building consensus,consolidating foundation and helping the continuity. “Advocacy of harmony” is the basic connotation of inclusiveness in Chinese civilization and “harmony in diversity” is the historical orientation of inclusiveness in Chinese civilization. The inclusiveness of Chinese civilization comes from the practice of all ethnic groups in China,and also from the summary of the practice achievements of all ethnic groups in China. The inclusiveness of Chinese civilization is constrained by the main body of civilization,but it also promotes the main body of civilization to keep pace with the times,thus creating a higher civilization that adapts to the development of the times.
    The Rebirth of Chinese Culture in Modern Times and Its Historical Significance
    ZHANG Zhaojun
    2023, 0(6):  34-39. 
    Abstract ( 365 )   PDF (1270KB) ( 342 )  
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    From the perspective of civilization history,the change of modern Chinese culture deeply reflects the dialectical and unified relationship between the creativity and continuity of Chinese civilization. In modern times,China has encountered an unprecedented national and cultural crisis. Chinese culture has integrated and assimilated the advanced achievements of Western civilization in the conflict with the West,constantly breaking through the limitations of her inherent culture and creating modern new culture. By combining with the specific practice of the Chinese revolution and national culture,the basic principles of Marxism creatively have embarked on a path of the New Democracy. Thereby China achieved national independence,institutional renewal,and the rebirth of Chinese culture. If this issue is viewed from a developmental perspective,the new culture represented by Chinese Marxism and the New Democracy is still Chinese culture. The transformation of modern Chinese culture is not the rupture but the rebirth of Chinese culture. That the change of the rebirth of Chinese culture in modern times has important historical value and practical significance in building modern Chinese civilization.
    Commemorating the 130th Anniversary of the Birth of Comrade Mao Zedong
    Mao Zedong's Outstanding Contribution to the Formation and Inheritance of the Great Party-founding Spirit
    WANG Binglin, HU Yifan
    2023, 0(6):  40-48. 
    Abstract ( 148 )   PDF (1314KB) ( 451 )  
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    Mao Zedong devoted himself to the practical activities of party founding,promoted the conception and formation of the great party-founding spirit. He cultivated the great spirit with scientific ideology and theory,set up a model for the party to follow with himself as a great inspiration. He adhered to the truth and ideals in his courageous exploration,fulfilled the original aspiration and assumed responsibility for the mission in his daring to do good,not afraid of sacrifices,fighting valiantly amidst hardship and suffering,and remaining loyal to the party and faithful to the people in pursuit of noble values. Mao Zedong's outstanding contribution to the formation and inheritance of the great party-founding spirit has demonstrated the powerful vitality of Marxism and refined the distinctive political characters of Chinese communists.
    On the Contemporary Value of Mao Zedong's Diplomatic Thought
    WANG Qiaorong
    2023, 0(6):  49-57. 
    Abstract ( 225 )   PDF (1315KB) ( 365 )  
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    Mao Zedong's diplomatic thought was born and developed by the Communist Party of China(CPC) with Comrade Mao Zedong as the main representative in leading the Chinese people's revolution and construction practice. Independence,peaceful coexistence,the combination of patriotism and internationalism,and the establishment of an international united front against imperialism and hegemony are the basic contents of Mao Zedong's diplomatic thought. Among them,independence and peaceful coexistence as its core contents has laid an important theoretical foundation for China diplomacy in the new era. Accurately grasping the international and domestic situations,objectively understanding national interests,and adhering to the principle of diplomacy serving the overall situation of the country are the valuable experience left by the practice of Mao Zedong's diplomatic thought.
    Value and Culture
    Rethinking the Concept of Value
    JIANG Chang
    2023, 0(6):  58-72. 
    Abstract ( 178 )   PDF (1408KB) ( 161 )  
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    Value relations and value are universal in the universe,not unique to human beings. In essence,value is the nature of a thing that it can meet the needs of other things or be conducive to the survival and development of other things. Its nature is to meet the needs of other things or make contributions to other things. The word of “good” has always been regarded as a basic word of value in history. After the value concept came out,“good” became a word to express moral value,and “good” in the daily sense is still roughly synonymous with “value”. Value can be divided into the value of things and human value. Human value has its own particularity:It is usually the value recognized by people,not necessarily the objective value of things to humans. Humans increasingly process and transform natural things into things of value suitable for their own needs,and conceive and manufacture things of value according to their own needs. Humans set their own value as the highest value,and set themselves as the subject of value,and judge the value based on their own needs or desires. Many of the values pursued by human beings are the unique conceptual state of human beings,rather than the objective nature of things. The value nature of a thing determines its value and merits. Things that are harmful to others have negative value. The imperfection of things generated by the evolution of the universe is the ultimate source of negative value. The natural negative value of things in the universe is inevitable,but the artificial negative value can be avoided or reduced.
    The Life-oriented Logic of Core Values from the Perspective of Discourse Analysis
    WANG Lv
    2023, 0(6):  73-78. 
    Abstract ( 156 )   PDF (1291KB) ( 605 )  
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    Cultivating and practicing the Socialist Core Values is a unique discourse construction carried out in contemporary China. With the attributes of mainstream ideological discourse,the Socialist Core Values are a set of cultural symbolic systems constructed with words and concepts via “abbreviation” strategies such as generalization and condensation. The discourse power of the Socialist Core Values needs to further follow the logic of life-oriented “decoding”,rely on the multi-dimensional “interpretation” that integrates history and reality to promote value understanding,enhance value identification in the relational construction of equal dialogue,implement the conscious value commitment of all social members in the value guidance of role models,and truly release and give play to the symbolic value of “political mobilization” and “spiritual cohesion” of core values,and achieve the organic connection between the theoretical connotation and practical logic of core values.
    Culture and Interpretation
    Drawing from Historical Records to Interpret the Classics:The Interpretive Tradition of the Studies of The Book of Odes
    QI Yuantao, LING Lijun
    2023, 0(6):  79-85. 
    Abstract ( 235 )   PDF (1657KB) ( 256 )  
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    The goal of The Book of Odes,as a classic,is to convey Confucian thought. How to interpret the doctrine of Confucianism from poetic texts?In many cases,it is necessary to introduce historical facts as an intermediary link,thus forming the interpretive tradition of “invoking history to interpret classics” and the interpretive path of “from words to events,from events to doctrines” in the study of The Book of Odes. The relationship between classics and history provides the ideological basis for the interpretation of classics by invoking history which can be realized in the following ways:annotating the words of The Book of Odes as a historical element,making up the historical elements through the context of The Book of Odes,etc. The interpretation of classics by invoking history provides a characteristic interpretive paradigm for the interpretation of The Book of Odes,but the interaction and adaptation of poetry,history and classics make this paradigm to possess a preconceived and compulsory nature of interpretation.
    On the Humanistic Spirit and Interpretive Characteristics of Chinese Exegesis
    MENG Zhuo
    2023, 0(6):  86-94. 
    Abstract ( 211 )   PDF (1606KB) ( 300 )  
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    The beginning of establishing “Exegetical Hermeneutics” is to reflect on the humanistic spirit and interpretive characteristics of Chinese exegesis. The humanistic spirit of Chinese exegesis is grounded in its historical origin and can be encapsulated as “the harmony of Dao and Qi” according to the ideal of “pursuing the truth” throughout the history of Chinese exegesis as well as according to the elaboration from Wang Fuzhi,Hui Dong,Dai Zhen and Zhang Xuecheng,forming a striking contrast to the scientific spirit of “seeking truth from facts”. Under the humanistic spirit,Chinese exegesis has developed an interpretive path of “from analyzing the characters and words to clarifying the meaning and ideas” and the characteristics of “the harmony of explanation and interpretation”,reflecting the ideological,creative,and contemporary nature of exegetical interpretation. The humanistic spirit of Chinese exegesis has contributed to its historical glory and is of great significance in promoting the contemporary development of exegesis.
    From “Silence” to “Speech”:A Study of the Genesis of Ancient Chinese Interpretation
    ZHENG Wei
    2023, 0(6):  95-104. 
    Abstract ( 189 )   PDF (1619KB) ( 310 )  
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    There is a logic of occurrence in ancient Chinese interpretation from “silence” to “speech”. Ancient thinkers believe in the simplicity of the great way and are willing to be in a silent position,but they have to shoulder the responsibility of speech due to the reality. As a result,it transforms “Dao” from a practical category to an object of speech,and at the same time it demonstrates the public nature of ancient interpretation and its practical character in discourse. From “silence” to “debate”,and then to the classical hermeneutics since the Han Dynasty,the adjustment of the way of speech has been accompanied by the growth and decline of the power between the scholars and the monarchy. The act of interpretation occurs in the process of constantly adding words and proving their own words in order to convince the hearts of the world. Rather,it is the only way for intellectuals to lead the directions of society,politics and culture through the way of discourse construction.
    Public Governance
    The Subjects and Relationship Structure of China's Carbon-emission Trading Policy
    NIE Guoliang, ZHANG Chengfu
    2023, 0(6):  105-114. 
    Abstract ( 219 )   PDF (2503KB) ( 399 )  
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    Carbon-emission trading is a major practical and theoretical issue in China. Its policy development has gone through three stages:theoretical exploration,local pilot operation and national market construction. In the development process of carbon-emission trading policy,the government,trading platforms,trading subjects,experts and scholars are undoubtedly the key elements in promoting policy development. Each of the four types of actors has its own role and strategic behavior in the process of carbon-emission trading policy. At the same time,the four types of subjects are not isolated passive individuals,they rely on each other and influence each other. This dynamic interactive process forms the relationship structure between subjects. In order to effectively ensure the positive interaction between the four types of subjects and constantly optimize their structural functions,it is necessary to make full use of the role of market mechanisms,synergize the dynamic power of subjects,and improve the legal guarantee system by layers,thus promoting the healthy development of China's carbon-emission trading policy and carbon market.
    International Trade and Investment
    From Global Expansion to Digital Advancement:Cross-border Merger and Acquisition and Chinese Enterprise Digital Innovation
    ZHONG Chao, CAI Hongbo, ZHU Yi
    2023, 0(6):  115-126. 
    Abstract ( 387 )   PDF (1367KB) ( 868 )  
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    Cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) serves as a crucial pathway for driving corporate digital innovation. This study is based on the data from A-share listed companies between 2000 and 2021,and it empirically examines the impact of cross-border M&A on corporate digital innovation. It adopts a multidimensional heterogeneous analysis from the perspectives of countries and firms to explore the influencing mechanisms. The study reveals the following key findings:Firstly,cross-border M&A significantly promotes the level of digital innovation in Chinese enterprises. Secondly,for enterprises in non-EU and countries along the Belt and Road,cross-border M&A has a more pronounced role in enhancing digital innovation. Moreover,high-intelligence technology-based enterprises and state-owned enterprises engaging in cross-border M&A demonstrate a more positive impact on digital innovation. In addition,digital strategic awareness and strategic flexibility play a significant mediating role in the relationship between cross-border M&A and corporate digital innovation. Therefore,it is crucial to continue promoting high-level openness,encouraging companies to strengthen international cooperation in the digital economy through cross-border M&A,and facilitating high-quality development.
    Mental Health
    The Development and Application of Digital Intervention in Mental Health
    LI Jia, FU Zhongfang, TIAN Donghua, QU Zhiyong
    2023, 0(6):  127-140. 
    Abstract ( 938 )   PDF (1499KB) ( 974 )  
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    Digital intervention can provide efficient,low-cost and low-stigma mental health services. They can make up for the shortcomings of traditional mental health services and expand the borders of mental health services. Currently,digital intervention has been used to prevent and tackle multiple types of mental health problems. Taking post-traumatic stress disorder as an example,four forms of digital intervention,video telehealth intervention,internet-based intervention,virtual reality intervention and mobile application intervention,can improve the health status of population to a greater or lesser degree. Digital intervention provides the following insights for accelerating the development of mental health services in China:strengthening the research on cultural adaptation of digital intervention,focusing on the digital mental health of children and adolescents,evaluating the long-term effects of digital intervention and their mechanisms,reinforcing the supervision of the side effects of digital intervention and its ethical review,integrating digital intervention into the public health service system,and strengthening cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary cooperation.
    Education Anxiety among Parents of Primary and Secondary School Students:An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis
    DENG Linyuan, WANG Jingyi, TANG Yiwen, QIAO Danju, TIAN Hongjie
    2023, 0(6):  141-151. 
    Abstract ( 360 )   PDF (1646KB) ( 480 )  
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    The education anxiety among parents of primary and secondary school students is a social and research hot issue now. In this field there are few qualitative studies using interpretive phenomenological analysis. In order to vividly and stereoscopically depict the common psychological characteristics of education anxiety of parents,this study conducted semi-structured individual interviews with 8 parents of primary and secondary school students in a state of educational anxiety. Following the steps of interpretive phenomenological analysis,four high-level themes of the common psychological characteristics of educational anxiety of those parents have been obtained:failed parental roles,high parent-child integration,rigid thinking patterns,fragile coping mechanisms,and corresponding 10 primary themes. The results help to understand the root causes of education anxiety of parents from a psychological perspective and find effective ways to alleviate their educational anxiety.
    The Strategy Framework of the Cognition,Emotion,Value and Behavior of Health-risk Communication
    MIAO Peng
    2023, 0(6):  152-157. 
    Abstract ( 172 )   PDF (1303KB) ( 420 )  
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    Conducting health-risk communication is the key to improving people's health,effectively responding to health risks,and comprehensively promoting the construction of Healthy China. Based on the dual-system theory,this paper systematically analyzes the root causes of health-risk communication barriers,and proposes to incorporate four dimensions of cognition,emotion,value,and behavior into the health-risk communication strategy framework. This framework bridges the communication gap by adapting to public concerns through similar concerns,by fitting public experience through similar emotions,by meeting public expectations through similar values,and by suiting public practice through similar behavioral patterns. This paper aims to provide a theoretical basis and countermeasures for the practice of health-risk communication,and promote the scientific nature and institutionalization of health-risk communication,which can enhance the human touch and appeal of health-risk communication.